Tag Archives: Venus

1 Iq’ – Venus Returns in Evening Phase (Dresden Codex)

According to the Dresden Codex, Venus returns in its evening phase today. Tonight should be the first time when Venus is clearly visible in the Western sky for a few minutes after sunset. Those with good eyesight will see Venus appear from the glare of the Sun. It will then set a few minutes after the Sun.

However, this will partially depend on the latitude of the observer. The ecliptic (the path of the sun and the planets) is almost vertical at low latitudes. At the latitudes of Guatemala and the Yucatan, Venus has been theoretically visible for a few days now. It should be clearly above the horizon approximately half an hour after sunset.

Venus Returns in Evening Phase
Venus clearly visible above the horizon in Solola, Guatemala, just after sunset on 13th July 2024

At higher latitudes, the ecliptic is much closer to the southern horizon, even in the summer. If Venus is still close to the Sun in its orbit, as viewed from the Earth, it will be too close to the horizon to observe. Therefore, at latitudes such as that of Ipswich in the UK, Venus won’t really be visible just yet. In fact, it might be September before Venus will really be visible in the Western sky after sunset.

Venus would be very difficult to see at sunset from Ipswich, UK on 9th July 2024

Venus returns in evening phase
Venus would be very difficult to see at sunset from Ipswich, UK on 13th July 2024






Venus Meanings

According to Bruce Scofield in the book How to Practice Mayan Astrology, Venus represents the rise and fall of leaders. They describe the rise of a great leader, seen as a bright shining light but  gets lost in hedonism. This leads to his downfall and eventual exile, the rise and fall of the morning star (22nd August 2023 – 14th April 2024). The superior conjunction (14th April – 13th July 2024) is seen as a time of judgement and redressing the balance. The leader is then born again, this time humble, mortal and obeying the laws of society as the evening star. Eventually he is sacrificed, the inferior conjunction, and once again is born as the rising light in the world.

Venus Appears on 1 Iq’

With the energy of 1 Iq’ combining with the reappearance of Venus, it could signal end end to the trials which began on 2 E’ (14th April 2024). The light travelled through the underworld as the planet Venus disappeared behind the Sun. Now, the light returns, in the wisdom place of the west. This possibly signifies the emergence of a steadying influences as society goes through a profound change. The trials during the preceding 90 days should have humbled the false leaders.

In combination with 1 Iq’ this may bring about a new voice or a “breath of fresh air”. Iq’ often brings changes and represents communication. The number 1 represents birth and novelty. Is it time for a new voice to make itself heard? If we look at the cycle of Venus, it will gradually gain altitude in the West, achieving its peak on 13 Aq’ab’al (10th January 2025). It will then start to drop rapidly before once again passing into the underworld at inferior conjuntion. This will be on 4 E’ (20th March 2025), the equinox.

Venus returns in evening phase, Venus returns in morning phase

Superior Conjunction of Venus Begins – 2 E’ (14th April 2024)

According to the Dresden codex, the superior conjunction phase of Venus begins on 2 E’ (14th April 2024). Venus will cease to be a feature in our morning sky. The morning star will disappear into the underworld. It will reappear as the evening star on 1 Iq’ (13th July 2024).

The cycle of Venus was used by the ancient Maya to time many ritual practices, including war.  When Venus is seen to rise with the Sun, was seen as a particularly destructive and unsettled time.  Venus has been rising heliacally since 13 Ajmak (22nd August 2023). The period since the beginning of the heliacal rise of Venus has been a great turmoil for many.  It was at its peak brightness on September 19th 2023 (2 K’at). It reached its greatest height (western elongation) on October 23rd 2023 (10 Tijax). This could be seen as the height of its influence.

It is said that the light of the morning star illuminates that which has been hidden. This time is an exposer of cover-ups, when leaders may fall from power. It could be a time when leaders are brought to account for their deeds. Additionally, when Venus rises heliacally on an Ajmak day, the Venus deities are said to spear the rain. Has this morning star period brought drought? It would certainly seem to have been the case here in Guatemala. Hopefully, as we move into this time the rains will return, just in time for planting season.

This is a time that could be seen as a respite from the disturbing influence that Venus has. It is said that Venus represents a warrior and that his return to the darkness gives him time to make new spears. Perhaps this will also bring some calm to areas of conflict?

What’s Next?

Where the morning rise of illumination may highlight the issue externally, the evening phase represents the dark mirror of introspection. This may represent a time when we look within ourselves and ask how we ever allowed this to happen in the first place. It can be a time to look at what went wrong and see how to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. It is a time to evaluate ourselves, and the leaders of our society, a time to address our values and the values of the society we live in, and a time to redress the balance.


The Inferior Conjunction of Venus – 10 Q’anil (11th January 2022)

Since the day 7 Tijax (6th May 2021) Venus has appeared in the west, in the evening sky. From November 2021 onward it became a little lower each night until it became lost in the glare of the sunset. Today, according to the Dresden Codex, is the first day of the inferior conjunction of Venus. Venus is passing between the Earth and the Sun, and as such is not visible in our night sky.

Venus as the evening star can be seen to represent the obsidian mirror, the dark mirror within us showing us the parts of our ego we would rather hide from the world. It has the power to illuminate the half truths that we occasionally tell ourselves, stripping away the false support which comes from them and in turn replacing them with truth. It is on this truth that we can then build when Venus returns as the morning star, and we can move into a time of advancement and enlightenment.

In this cycle within the codex, the first day of the inferior conjunction happens on 10 Q’anil. This can be seen as working together in order to bring out the full brilliance of community, to come to ripeness after a period of darkness.  We are preparing for a journey which will take us through to 5 Ajmak (19th January 2022).


The inferior conjunction of Venus has coincided with some societal upheavals including the downfall of leaders occurring during or soon after. According to Bruce Scofield in his book How to Practice Mayan Astrology:

“Newsworthy events occurring at, or just after, the inferior conjunction are often characterized by impulsive human errors the lead to a levelling or crash of some sort.”



9 Tz’i (29th December 2020)

9 Tz'i

Whilst the nawal Tz’i may have a colourful reputation, it also encompasses some of the most desirable traits we can exhibit. It is an energy of faith, loyalty, justice and guidance. Today all of those traits are brought into focus with the energy of the number 9, the energy of life and particularly the feminine aspects of it. As we move through this trecena of Iq’, highlighting changes and communication, this is a day to seek out guidance for your life path, which may come especially from women.

The day 9 Tz’i can be seen as a day about having faith in life. Sometimes in order to strengthen that faith, it may be tested. It is a day of loyalty to the women in your life and a day to show your unconditional love for them. It may also be a day to seek justice, particularly for women or issues affecting them.

The dog sits by the cauldron, from the Madrid Codex

Tz’i is possibly the nawal with the most colourful reputation. Some describe it as the nawal of “sex, drugs and rock and roll” and it has the possibility to live up to that label. One of the functions an Aj Q’ij (Mayan spiritual guide) performs is divination, usually using red seeds called Tz’ite. If a question is asked about a relationship and Tz’i comes up in the reading, it is seen as a sign of  infidelity. Tz’i is instinctual, and closes its ears to reason when it gets an idea, particularly when it is hormonally driven. This is the worst possible aspect of Tz’i and when it falls down, it does so spectacularly, which is why it tends to be remembered for those events.

However, what is sometimes forgotten is the other side of Tz’i, which is the side more frequently displayed. Just as Tz’i can represent infidelity, it also represents faith and loyalty, and just as it can be the trouble maker, it also represents law. It is the nawal of police, lawyers and judges. Tz’i is unwavering faith, unconditional loyalty. The totem animal of Tz’i is the dog, and through the actions of dogs we can understand both the loyalty aspect, and the instinctual. Tz’i is also the guide and protector on life’s path, ensuring that it’s charge travels safely. It is a day when your faith or loyalty may be tested,  where your instincts are stimulated. The positive traits of this day give rise to to some of the greatest displays of friendship, but be aware that your loyalty may be tested by temptation.

The number nine is very special indeed. It is the number of lunations in the human gestation period and in the sacred calendar. The sacred calendar is known as a calendar of life, and it is women that give life. As such the number nine is seen as the number of life and the number of the divine feminine. It gives all that it is attached to a strong feminine presence and is a day on which women may wish to give thanks for their gifts.

The Heliacal Rise of Venus, 6 E’ (14th June 2020)

The cycle of Venus was of great importance to the ancient Maya, and often used to time ritual activities including warfare and sacrifices. Venus was generally seen to have an unsettling influence, particularly during the time of the heliacal rising of Venus.

Today we enter that period of potential turbulence, the first rising of Venus as the Morning Star. This is said to be the time when the influence of Venus “spears” certain victims. Although these victims are often leaders, this turmoil is affecting all of us on the planet. That said, whoever holds “high position” would do well to avoid rushing into impassioned decisions  or judgement during the first few days of the Morning Star.

Here is the particular page in the Dresden Codex which refers to the heliacal rise of Venus on an E’ day. In the top left hand portion of the page, you can see the glyphs K’at, Ix, K’at and then E’. These positions relate to superior conjunction, rise as evening “star”, inferior conjunction and then rise as morning”star”. According to biblioteca pleyades, the heliacal rise of Venus on an E’ day “The half animal/half human Venus Lord was identified by Thompson as a jaguar, and by Kelley as a frog. His name glyph suggests an insect or caterpillar, and in fact the features of the illustrated warrior may well be insectoid.  The victim is God E, the Corn God. In the Borgia, a rat-faced deity spears a corn deity, and worms eat corn cobs. The Venus Lord likely represents pests that attack the corn crop.” Could this relate to the locust swarm which has been present in Africa and Asia? Is there a possibility that this will be replicated in Central America too, or the possibility of some other kind of pest in the corn?

However, there is a more positive way in which we can look at it, which I highlighted here in a video about Venus. In order to do this, we have to jump cultures a little and refer to the story of Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl was an Aztec deity, the Maya equivalent would be Kulkulkan in the post-classic Maya civilisation, Q’ukumatz is another variant.

Quetzalcoatl arrived as a teacher of the people, a civilising influence that taught astronomy, mathematics and agriculture. As the world became a better place, his popularity and influence grew, which attracted the jealousy of his brother, Tezcatlipoca. It is said that Tezcatlipoca disguised himself as an old man and gave Quetzalcoatl pulque, an alcoholic drink made from maguey. He became intoxicated and ended up “cavorting” with a celibate priestess (who may also have been his sister). Shamed, he then either sets himself on fire and rose into the sky to become the morning star, or sailed to the east on a boat of snakes, depending on which version we hear.

It is this aspect which can be seen as being particularly interesting. The rise and fall of Quetzalcoatl mirror the the “rise and fall” of Venus as the morning star. Today, Venus will return as the morning star, and it will get higher and brighter in the sky for the next 60 days, reaching its greatest western elongation (height above the Eastern horizon) around the day 1 E’ (13th August 2020). From our own point of view we can also see this as our own return to brightness, a time to rise and shine again.

Superior Conjunction of Venus Begins – 9 K’at (2nd July 2019)

On the day 9 K’at (2nd July 2019), according to the Dresden codex, Venus will cease to be a feature in our morning sky. The morning star will disappear to the underworld, only to reappear as the evening star on 8 Ix (30th September 2019).

The cycle of Venus was used by the ancient Maya to time many ritual practices, including war and sacrifice. The heliacal rising of Venus, when Venus is seen to rise with the Sun, was seen as a particularly destructive and unsettled time.  Venus has been rising heliacally since 7 Q’anil (8th November 2018). The period since the beginning of the heliacal rise of Venus seems to have been a great turmoil for many.  It was at its peak brightness on November 29th 2018 (2 Toj) and reached its greatest height (western elongation) on January 6th 2019 (1 Kej), which could be seen as the height of its influence.

It is said that the light of the morning star illuminates that which has been hidden, it is an exposer of cover-ups. Additionally it is said that when Venus rises heliacally on a Q’anil day, the Venus deities spear  the children. Has this morning star period seen the revelation of children being harmed? Perhaps this might refer to the coming to light of the plight of migrant children, whether on ships in the Mediterranean or in border/refugee camps.

This is a time that could be seen as a respite from the disturbing influence that Venus has. It is said that Venus represents a warrior and that his return to the darkness gives him the time to make new spears, to throw at his victims when he returns as the evening star. Appearances on both Q’anil and Ix will signify children as the victims, however the difference may be the way of expression. Where the morning rise of illumination may highlight the issue externally, the evening phase represents the dark mirror of introspection. This may represent a time when we look within ourselves and ask how we ever allowed this to happen in the first place. It can be a time to look at what went wrong and see how to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. It is a time to evaluate ourselves, and the leaders of our society, a time to address our values and the values of the society we live in, and a time to redress the balance.

The Heliacal Rise of Venus 7 Q’anil (8th November 2018)

The cycle of Venus was of great importance to the ancient Maya, and often used to time ritual activities including warfare and sacrifices. Venus was generally seen to have an unsettling influence, particularly during the time of the heliacal rising of Venus.

Today we enter that period of potential turbulence, the first rising of Venus as the Morning Star. This is said to be the time when the influence of Venus “spears” certain victims. These victims are often leaders. This turmoil is affecting all of us on the planet, not just the leaders. Who ever holds “high position” would do well to avoid rushing into impassioned decisions  or judgement during the first few days of the Morning Star.

Lord of the Heliacal Rise with his spear ready to strike down his victims, from the Dresden Codex

However, there is a more positive way in which we can look at it, which I highlighted here in a recent video about Venus. In order to do this, we have to jump cultures a little and refer to the story of Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl was an Aztec deity, the Maya equivalent would be Kulkulkan in the post-classic Maya civilisation, Q’ukumatz is another variant.

Quetzalcoatl arrived as a teacher of the people, a civilising influence that taught astronomy, mathematics and agriculture. As the world became a better place, his popularity and influence grew, which attracted the jealousy of his brother, Tezcatlipoca. It is said that Tezcatlipoca disguised himself as an old man and gave Quetzalcoatl pulque, an alcoholic drink made from maguey. He became intoxicated and ended up “cavorting” with a celibate priestess (who may also have been his sister). Shamed, he then either sets himself on fire and rose into the sky to become the morning star, or sailed to the east on a boat of snakes, depending on which version we hear.

It is this aspect which can be seen as being particularly interesting. The rise and fall of Quetzalcoatl mirror the the “rise and fall” of Venus as the morning star. Today, Venus will return as the morning star, and it will get higher and brighter in the sky for the next 60 days, reaching it’s greatest western elongation (height above the Eastern horizon) around the day 2 Q’anil in early January of 2019. From our own point of view we can also see this as our own return to brightness, a time to rise and shine again.

The Inferior Conjunction of Venus – 12 Ajpu (31st October 2018)

Since the day 9 Tz’i (23rd February 2018) Venus has appeared in the west, in the evening sky. From August onward it became a little lower each night until it became lost in the glare of the sunset. Today, according to the Dresden Codex, is the first day of the inferior conjunction of Venus. Venus is passing between the Earth and the Sun, and as such is not visible in our night sky.

Venus as the evening star can be seen to represent the obsidian mirror, the dark mirror within us showing us the parts of our ego we would rather hide from the world. There has been a particularly strong cycle this time around, one which takes place every 8 years. The dark mirror has been intensified by the power of the year lord, which reached its peak intensity around mid-summer, the light of the sun illuminating not only the things we wish to hide from the world, but possibly the things we wish to hide from ourselves. It has the power to illuminate the half truths that we occasionally tell ourselves, stripping away the false support which comes from them and in turn replacing them with truth. It is on this truth that we can then build when Venus returns as the morning star, and we can move into a time of advancement and enlightenment.

In this cycle within the codex, the first day of the inferior conjunction happens on 12 Ajpu. This can be seen as the day on which we use our life experience to make a judgement between what is divine and what is not.

The inferior conjunction of Venus has coincided with some societal upheavals including the downfall of leaders occurring during or soon after. According to Bruce Scofield in his book How to Practice Mayan Astrology:

“Newsworthy events occurring at, or just after, the inferior conjunction are often characterized by impulsive human errors the lead to a levelling or crash of some sort.”



New Video – Venus as the Evening Star combining with the Year Lord 6 Kej

After a great deal of deliberation and waiting, I have finally put together the video I have been sitting on for some time. These last few months have proved challenging for many people, on a deeply personal level. We have been forced to look deep within ourselves at patterns and attachments, as they are brought to the fore. It is my belief that the combination of the power of the year lord 6 Kej with the Evening Star phase of Venus, as shown within the Maya calendars, may give us an understanding of this

For Kaypatcha’s description of 2018, the year of alchemical change, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4m9yZq69uU&list=LLQZUKyXMrjabOP_cqCZ24Dg&t=0s&index=14

9 Tz’i (23rd February 2018) – Venus Returns as an Evening Planet

9 Tz'i

Whilst the nawal Tz’i may have a colourful reputation, it also encompasses some of the most desirable traits we can exhibit. It is an energy of faith, loyalty, justice and guidance. Today all of those traits are brought into focus with the energy of the number 9, the energy of life and particularly the feminine aspects of it. As we move through this trecena of Iq’, highlighting changes and communication, this is a day to seek out guidance for your life path, which may come especially from women.

The day 9 Tz’i can be seen as a day about having faith in life. Sometimes in order to strengthen that faith, it may be tested. It is a day of loyalty to the women in your life and a day to show your unconditional love for them. It may also be a day to seek justice, particularly for women or issues affecting them.

The dog sits by the cauldron, from the Madrid Codex

In addition to this energy of faith in life, today is also the day within the Dresden Codex on which Venus returns to the sky as an evening star. Astronomically speaking, Venus has been a theoretically visible for a few days now. Tonight Venus should be the first time when it is clearly visible as an evening “star” for a few minutes, appearing from the glare of the Sun, only to set a few minutes after the Sun.

According to Bruce Scofield in the book How to Practice Mayan Astrology, Venus can represent the rise and fall of leaders. They describe the rise of a great leader, seen as a bright shining light who becomes so bright he gets lost in hedonism. This leads to his downfall and eventual exile, the rise and fall of the morning star. The superior conjunction is seen as a time of judgement and redressing the balance before the leader is born again, this time humble, mortal and obeying the laws of society as the evening star. Eventually he is sacrificed, the inferior conjunction, and once again is born as the rising light in the world.

With the energy of 9 Tz’i combining with the reappearance of Venus, it could signal end end to the trials which began on 10 Ajpu (25th November 2017) with the superior conjunction of Venus. The light travelled through the underworld as the planet Venus disappeared behind the Sun, from the point of view from Earth. Now, the light returns, in the wisdom place of the west, possibly signifying the emergence of a steadying influences as society goes through a profound change. The trials during the preceding 80 days have humbled the false leaders, and now new faith in life emerges.

The phases of Venus 2017/2018, Starting at the inferior conjunction on 13 Ajmak (26th March 2017). By Mark Elmy

Tz’i is possibly the nawal with the most colourful reputation. Some describe it as the nawal of “sex, drugs and rock and roll” and it has the possibility to live up to that label. One of the functions an Aj Q’ij (Mayan spiritual guide) performs is divination, usually using red seeds called Tz’ite. If a question is asked about a relationship and Tz’i comes up in the reading, it is seen as a sign of  infidelity. Tz’i is instinctual, and closes its ears to reason when it gets an idea, particularly when it is hormonally driven. This is the worst possible aspect of Tz’i and when it falls down, it does so spectacularly, which is why it tends to be remembered for those events.

However, what is sometimes forgotten is the other side of Tz’i, which is the side more frequently displayed. Just as Tz’i can represent infidelity, it also represents faith and loyalty, and just as it can be the trouble maker, it also represents law. It is the nawal of police, lawyers and judges. Tz’i is unwavering faith, unconditional loyalty. The totem animal of Tz’i is the dog, and through the actions of dogs we can understand both the loyalty aspect, and the instinctual. Tz’i is also the guide and protector on life’s path, ensuring that it’s charge travels safely. It is a day when your faith or loyalty may be tested,  where your instincts are stimulated. The positive traits of this day give rise to to some of the greatest displays of friendship, but be aware that your loyalty may be tested by temptation.

The number nine is very special indeed. It is the number of lunations in the human gestation period and in the sacred calendar. The sacred calendar is known as a calendar of life, and it is women that give life. As such the number nine is seen as the number of life and the number of the divine feminine. It gives all that it is attached to a strong feminine presence and is a day on which women may wish to give thanks for their gifts.