gathering together the dreams

6 Imox (6th October 2023)

6 ImoxWhile Imox may be considered one of the more tricky nawales to deal with, the number 6 may bring out the best of it’s attributes. It is a day to bring stability to your dreams.

Working with the energy of Imox can always requires a delicate balance. On the one hand is the realm of infinite potential and possibility, all creativity, the collective consciousness from which anything can emerge. On the other hand, the depth of the collective may become so enticing that that it is difficult to separate from the dream world.

However, today nawal Imox is empowered with the stability of the number 6, connecting the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth with the physical plane. It brings stability between the Earthly and the otherworldly, assisting the ability to manifest between them. It gives the ability to connect with the other world, while retaining control of the connection, and the ability to extract ones self when required.

This combination gives a great opportunity to bring your dreams into this world, with the power of Heaven and Earth behind them. It is a day to embrace the possibilities of your creativity and firmly ground them into your world.

With the number 6 also representing family, it is a day when you may find yourself especially joined with the consciousness of your family. It is a day when you may intuit another’s feelings, with the bonding existing between you. You may need to check what you are feeling is really coming from you rather than another. It may be a day where you need to stabilise your individuality within your family.

Nawal Imox represents the collective consciousness, the great ocean. It is the moment before the “big bang”, when all that existed was the dream of the creator. It is everything and nothing in one place, the ovum from which reality was conceived. Imox is still very much in the other world, requiring another component to physically manifest the dream into reality.

Imox is considered to be a feminine nawal. Sometimes called water lily, sometimes crocodile, it is an embodiment of the primordial. It was from the great ocean that the four first men raised sky to create the world which we inhabit. Imox can also be seen as the Darwinian swamp from which all life emerged. It is fertile and creative, the mother that gave birth to our entire reality.

Imox is our common origin, and as such links us all together. It is the place of dreams, the collective conscious we delve into on our nightly voyages. It may also relate to the place that certain plant medicines take us to in order to bring us wisdom. However, as the font of all of creation, Imox harbours the dark as well as the light. When faced with the entirety of creation, the line between sanity and madness may become blurred.

Imox is a day to celebrate the spirit of the times, to understand the collective mind, particularly of humanity. It is a day to dream your creations, your art, your music. It is a day when we may all feel connected, a day when the psychic field between us may be particularly strong. Discernment may be called for, to understand when to dissociate from the collective, to remember your individuality, and to pull yourself back out of the dream world.

The number six is said to be the number of ultimate stability. It is the first of the three middle numbers of the cycle, the balance point neither too strong nor too weak. It is a day frequently used for ceremony thanks to it’s conducive energy. It represents the four directions with the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth. It also represents family, relating to the six qualities that nourish and hold families together – health, understanding, property, employment, friendship and actions.

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