6 Ix (5th July 2024)

6 IxOn the day 6 Ix give thanks for the wealth or abundance which nurtures your family. Stabilise your connection with the Earth. Ask her for what you need and what she needs from you. 

The nawal representing the spirit of Mother Earth combines with the number which draws on the energy of the sky and Earth to manifest into the physical plane. Accordingly, it is a day to stabilise your connection with Mother Earth.

Days carrying the number 6 often feel very well-balanced. This is as expected, being as the are in the middle of the range between 1 to 13. However, there is a little more to them than just that. The 6 acts as a focal point for what it is attached to. It empowers the nawal with the essences of the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth. In turn, this allows its energy to project or manifest into the physical world. It is much like the number 4, but with the embellishment of the divine masculine and divine feminine principals.

The energy of the nawal Ix strongly associates with our ability to commune with the spirit of mother Earth. This ability allows us to bring what we need into this world. It can be seen as our “magic”, but really it is just a more aware state of being. Here we understand the dynamic which exists between us an our environment.

We ask, we receive, we thank. Understand how to use your own abilities to manifest, to stabilise your magic.

Nawal Ix

A dancing shaman transforms himself into a jaguar. From a late classic era vase found at Altar de Sacrificios. Source http://shortstreet.net/Maya/mayapaintedvases.htm
A dancing shaman transforms himself into a jaguar. From a late classic era vase found at Altar de Sacrificios. Source http://shortstreet.net/Maya/mayapaintedvases.htm

Ix is considered to be the most feminine of the nawales because it embodies the spirit of the Heart of the Earth. It can be seen as a representation of Mother Earth or the Maya version of Gaia. Ix is known for its nurturing energy, as it takes care of all things. However, this nurturing should not be mistaken for weakness, as Ix also embodies the power and stealth of the jaguar, which is its animal totem. The jaguar is a powerful jungle cat that moves stealthily through the darkness of the night with spots on its back representing the milky way. Ix carries the sun on its nightly journey through the underworld.

In industrialized societies, the Earth is often seen as an inanimate source of material wealth. However, non-industrialized societies view her as a living entity that we can interact with, and she carries the nawal Ix. Therefore, on Ix days, people offer prayers at her shrines and altars to ask for what they need in the world. To keep Ix healthy, it is important to approach her with a spirit of gratitude and humility. Ix is deeply connected with the natural world, where it finds its wisdom, power, and wealth. Therefore, it is a day to give thanks, remember gratitude, and engage with your magic.

The Number Six

The number six is said to be the number of ultimate stability. It is the first of the three middle numbers of the cycle, the balance point. Thus, ceremonies are often made on six days thanks to their conducive energy.

The number 6 carries the qualities of the number 4, but has an extra axis. If we think of the number four representing the cardinal points, the number six adds a vertical axis to these. It brings in the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth. The number six has the stability of the number four embellished by the masculine and feminine principals. If the number four represents the physical world and the number 6 represents the physical world animated by the life force energy.

Thus, it also represents family, relating to the six qualities which hold families together – health, understanding, property, employment, friendship and actions.