Tag Archives: Ceremony

8 B’atz (3rd May 2024)

8 B'atz

Wajxakib B’atz

Today is one of the most important days in the sacred calendar. It is the beginning of the new ceremonial cycle. The nawal B’atz represents the thread of time. The sacred calendar is a representation of how that thread is woven to create reality. It is the nawal B’atz that brings the creativity to our world, re-creating and renewing all around us.

Both the number 8 and the nawal B’atz have a connection with gestation. It is said that the umbilical cord has 8 strands to it. This brings the nourishment to the new life being brought into being. Here, within the Maya cross, we see 8 B’atz sitting between 13 Aq’ab’al (the conception from the ancestors) and 3 Kawok (the day of the midwife/birth process). These precede the day 4 Ajpu (the first day of the new world). It is on 8 B’atz that the new world receives its nourishment within the womb of creation. This comes from the prayers and offerings made in the ceremonies.

We all have some talent to create, through words, music, food or images. We also have the ability to shape the world around us, our homes, our families, our communities. This is the day that we give thanks for our creative abilities, the day to gather inspiration from what you have created before and combine it with a new concept or method. Today we put all our love and energy into nurturing the new world soon to be birthed into being. It is the day where we embrace, and are empowered by, the wholeness of creation.


This is the day of initiation of new Aj Q’ij’ab, where the baton is passed from the old to the new. It is the day of celebration of the Chol Q’ij, the sacred calendar. The calendar brings our ability to navigate through life using the cycles of time effectively. From the dawn of this day, the shrines and altars within the Maya lands will be packed with Aj Q’ij’ab making offerings and prayers on behalf of not just their communities, but the world as a whole. They are imparting the  love and wisdom of the old world into the new world which is being woven. This is the day where the seam is created joining the previous weaving of creation, completed on 7 B’atz (40 days ago), with the new weaving started in 1 B’atz (20 days ago). Here, the past and the future are joined.

The Nawal B’atz

Images of weaving using a backstrap loom, from the Madrid Codex

There are two nawales which bestow genius talents, one of which is B’atz, the other being No’j. B’atz is the nawal of artisans and of weavers. This is not just creation and weaving on the Earthly level. It weaves the threads of time together to create reality. B’atz is the nawal of the sacred calendar. The calendar could be considered to be the fabric created from these individual threads of time.

If B’atz is clever enough to weave time into order, it is clever enough to create more down to Earth trinkets. B’atz is the master artisan, creating whatever it chooses, at will. It is just as comfortable painting, as it is playing music or writing. The arts come naturally to this nawal. However, this can lead to issues when B’atz has to deal with those less talented than itself. This can lead to a certain arrogance around those who fail to achieve their standard of excellence.

Their talent draws attention, which is something B’atz craves. It is the nawal of the born entertainer, who can sing, dance and play all at once. This nawal is the life and soul of the party, it also makes excellent teachers, who hold the attention of students through entertaining them. It is a particularly fun loving nawal that feeds on the adoration of the crowd that it pleases.

B’atz is a day to create, especially within the fields of the arts. It is also a day to weave your reality the way you see fit. Where Aq’ab’al was the conception, B’atz is the gestation.

The Number Eight

The number 8 is considered to be several wholeness. It can be seen as birth (1) and death (7) combined to represent the whole cycle of the soul. Also, it can be seen as the point where the four first men who raised the sky from the sea were joined by their wives and the world became whole. The eighth day of the trecena is the most common day for ceremonies to be made. Therefore, it is still in the balanced range of numbers and is an even number, which is also considered fortunate. This wholeness represents every aspect of the energy of the day with which it is coupled. It is the wholeness of the nawal that is addressed in the ceremony.


6 Toj (1st May 2024)

6 TojAs the nawal Toj represents offerings , it also represents debts. Here we see the two coming into balance. This is a day to bring stability by ensuring payments are made.

The number 6 is seen as representing the six values of the family. At least three of those can be directly related to finances – property, employment and actions. Issues with any of those may lead to incurring debts which put the family out of balance. This in turn causes disharmony in the home.

Today is a day to focus on familiar debts. In particular, bring harmony to the family by paying off anything which is outstanding. Additionally, this is a potent day to make some forward payments.  Get yourself in credit in preparation for future events. Whilst this is all phrased financially, it is an expression of what is happening on an energetic level.

When we make fire ceremonies, we do not offer money to the fire. We make offerings of flowers, incense and candles, but more importantly, we make offerings of our words and our time. These are the most valuable payments we can make, our life breath and our life energy. They are the most precious resources at your disposal to bring stability to your family. These resources can be used in a ceremonial way, or they can just be used within your family. This is the day to repay the goodwill shown within your family through your words and your deeds. This brings balance into your home, it keeps everything healthy on both the physical and energetic levels. After all, they will be empowered by the four directions, the Heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Sky.


When I mention programs within my videos, it is because I personally know the people involved and can vouch that your donations will actually go towards helping the people for which they are intended. During the video I mention the Konojel program and their work in San Marcos la Laguna. They have turned from a basic, “let’s make sure bellies are full” program to one of much more social development. You can check out their programs and make a donation here https://konojel.org/


Within the village of San Pablo la Laguna, there is an organisation doing great work. They are called ODIM and are specialising in medical and educational services. During the pandemic restrictions, they helped feed many people, but this is in addition to their regular, long term work there. You can find out more about them through this link http://www.odimguatemala.org/donate

Popol Jay

Popol Jay is an ancient name to define the House of the Council of Elders, among the Maya of Guatemala. These were places of wisdom where sacred knowledge about medicine, the calendars, music, spiritual practice and more was kept and passed to future generations. They were all burnt down during the Conquest and subsequent Colonization periods. Today, the Q’eqchi’ Maya Council of Elders Releb’aal Saq’e has joined forces with many supporters to rebuild the Popol Jay of the North, in the lowlands of the Petén region, heart of the Maya culture of the Classic Period. The Elders have worked hard to acquire land and co-design this Center of Knowledge to share ancient wisdom with the World. To donate to the Elders of Peten to fund the Popol Jay, please use this link https://www.popoljay.org.gt/donaciones

The Nawal Toj

The nawal Toj represents offerings and payment. It is part of the name Tojil, a Mayan god who gave fire to the people. However, this was not a gift. Tojil asked in return for a sacrifice to be made. This is a day of payment and sacrifice, a day to resolve debts, both in the physical and spiritual realms. Toj is the nawal of the sacred fire where we make offerings to burn away karmic debts. In this way we restore balance, and we bring our accounts back to zero.

It is through selfless acts that we can access the divine protection that Toj carries. Naturally, these acts might involve a sacrifice of our time or energy to strengthen our community. We can choose to act or we can choose to ignore. However, ignoring an opportunity to make a payment on a Toj day might bring the removal of the protection. We should always make our payments with an open heart. However, thanks might not be quickly forthcoming, and may not come at all. Your sacrifice could be something as simple as picking up litter in your neighbourhood, it doesn’t have to be something elaborate.

The Number Six

The number six is said to be the number of ultimate stability. It is the first of the three middle numbers of the cycle, the balance point. Thus, ceremonies are often made on six days thanks to their conducive energy.

The number 6 carries the qualities of the number 4, but has an extra axis. If we think of the number four representing the cardinal points, the number six adds a vertical axis to these. It brings in the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth. The number six has the stability of the number four embellished by the masculine and feminine principals. If the number four represents the physical world and the number 6 represents the physical world animated by the life force energy.

Thus, it also represents family, relating to the six qualities which hold families together – health, understanding, property, employment, friendship and actions.

Jungle Expedition


I’m sending this message out as I will be out of contact for a couple of weeks. I’m trekking to El Mirador again, so I will be unable to reply to messages until 14th March. There’s no WiFi in the jungle (or phone signal, electricity,  light pollution, etc!)

My posts should be published automatically and should appear on my Four Pillars Facebook page. They are unlikely to make it to other Facebook pages that I normally publish them on unless some kind soul copies them across.

I have temporarily disabled some pages on my site, for bookings or calendar requests, as I will not be able to reply to them until I get back.

Thank you for your understanding and I hope to have some beautiful new pictures to share with you when I get back!

The path that led to the top of the pyramid. Visiting La Danta at El Mirador had been a dream of mine for 22 years. Here I celebrate taking the final steps of a very long journey by sounding my conch. As I see all around I now look for a new adventure.

12 Tijax (11th January 2024)

12 TijaxThis is a day to use your experience to bring healing to your world. It is a day to use your discernment to cut through injustice, lies and disharmony.

The next two days may be considered as two turbulent days of the sacred calendar. However, there is certainly another side that can be seen with both of these days. Of course, I will deal with 12 Tijax first. The energy of the nawal Tijax has a reputation for its warlike nature, although I have rarely seen that expressed. What I have experienced is a desire for refinement. Whilst there might be a degree of ruthlessness, Tijax knows just where and how to make cuts. It is not afraid to make the cut that others shy away from. It does so to bring truth, beauty or healing into the world.

The number 12 can represent bundling together our life experience. We can think of this being our autobiography. Thus, today can involve editing out the stories which are no longer relevant. It is a great day to release those memories which withhold you from your truest expression. Use the experience you have gathered as a guide to what to save and what to release.

When you cut away the excess you are able to move freely on your journey. Experiences in our lives mould us into who we are. However, we cannot move further if we don’t break free of the mould. We don’t have to regret or live in our past. Today heal those experiences, and cut yourself free, even if, some deep cuts of the blade are involved. Surgery is never painless. This is a day to use your life experience to cut through injustice, lies and disharmony in order to bring healing to your world.

The Nawal Tijax

Sacrificial Death God 1

The nawal Tijax represents an obsidian (or flint) blade. How the blade is used depends on the intention of the person wielding it, a warrior or a surgeon. These would seem like opposite ends of the spectrum, but where Tijax is concerned the aim is the same – healing and purification.

Tijax is the nawal of the holy warrior. In the Mayan book of creation , the Popol Vuh, the first act of the hero twins was a mission given to them by the Heart of the Sky to rid the world of the false gods Seven Macaw, Zipacna and Earthquake. By destroying the false gods, the twins brought balance to the world, and helped mankind, they brought healing to the world. They cut out that which caused disease, exactly as a surgeon would do.

Tijax is celebrated as a day of healers, particularly what could be seen as the masculine aspect of healing. It is a day of crusading, of standing up for what is right, the healer who refuses to give up on finding a cure. Tijax gives powers of discernment and refinement. Just as the surgeons scalpel cuts away disease and the warriors blade dispatches the evil, the sculptors chisel creates beauty by remodelling the base material. This is a day of alchemy, both internal and external, turning the ordinary into the divine.

The Number 12

The number 12 is the penultimate number. In some ways it can be seen as the last Earthly number, the number 13 representing the spirit world. We travelled through the mortal world with 1 through 6, then the other world with 7 through 12. In this way 12 can be seen as a point of bringing all of the experiences into one bundle for presentation to the spirit world as we step into 13. As such, the number 12 brings a wealth of experience into one place, it is rather like writing an autobiography. It is totality, all that is, brought together.

8 Ix (7th January 2024)

8 IxToday is a day to show gratitude to the Earth by making an offering. It is a day of wholeness, where we give thanks for everything we receive from her.

A week ago, the trecena of Kej began, which gave us the possibility of drawing our strength from nature. Today, we feel the wholeness of connection with the spirit of the Earth. It is a day of celebration, where we give thanks to the Earth for all that she provides. We also recognize the “magic” in our lives, as our ability to work in harmony with the Earth sustains ourselves, our families, and our communities with what she provides.

Moreover, Ix is the nawal of natural shrines and altars, the “ears” through which the Earth receives our prayers. We often make ourselves heard, asking for what we need in our lives, and today allows us to give back. You can show your love for the Earth by using your time to help clear up a local natural environment of debris left behind by humans. Bring a little of your magic to her, show a little love, and she will return it to you magnified.

Nawal Ix

A dancing shaman transforms himself into a jaguar. From a late classic era vase found at Altar de Sacrificios. Source http://shortstreet.net/Maya/mayapaintedvases.htm
A dancing shaman transforms himself into a jaguar. From a late classic era vase found at Altar de Sacrificios. Source http://shortstreet.net/Maya/mayapaintedvases.htm

Ix is considered to be the most feminine of the nawales because it embodies the spirit of the Heart of the Earth. It can be seen as a representation of Mother Earth or the Maya version of Gaia. Ix is known for its nurturing energy, as it takes care of all things. However, this nurturing should not be mistaken for weakness, as Ix also embodies the power and stealth of the jaguar, which is its animal totem. The jaguar is a powerful jungle cat that moves stealthily through the darkness of the night with spots on its back representing the milky way. Ix carries the sun on its nightly journey through the underworld.

In industrialized societies, the Earth is often seen as an inanimate source of material wealth. However, non-industrialized societies view her as a living entity that we can interact with, and she carries the nawal Ix. Therefore, on Ix days, people offer prayers at her shrines and altars to ask for what they need in the world. To keep Ix healthy, it is important to approach her with a spirit of gratitude and humility. Ix is deeply connected with the natural world, where it finds its wisdom, power, and wealth. Therefore, it is a day to give thanks, remember gratitude, and engage with your magic.

The Number Eight

The number 8 is considered to be a number of wholeness. It can be seen as birth (1) and death (7) combined to represent the whole cycle of the soul. Also, it can be seen as the point where the four first men who raised the sky from the sea were joined by their wives and the world become whole. The eighth day of the trecena is the most common day for ceremonies to be made. Therefore, it is still in the balanced range of numbers and is an even number, which is also considered fortunate. As this wholeness represents every aspect of the energy of the day with which it is coupled. It is the wholeness of the nawal that is addressed in ceremony.

2 Toj (23rd November 2023)

service through self-sacrifice This day could be seen as a day of service through self-sacrifice or ceremony. If in doubt, give freely and unconditionally, even if the recipient is unaware of your actions.

The nawal Toj can act as a barometer of our energy. If we fall out of harmony the nawal Toj brings us a message, sometimes through sickness, to remind us that we have debts to pay. These debts may be a stagnation of energy, where we have taken something without exchange. They may be resolved through simple acts within our community which keep us healthy and keep the cycle of energy moving. In this way, Toj can be seen as one kind of healing day. Healing may come through our selfless actions, or through our offerings within ceremony.

The number two highlights polarities. It can represent relationships, but in another way, also the polarised qualities of the nawal it is attached to. This generally makes the days carrying the number 2 stronger than would be expected. The polarities of Toj may be both paying back and collecting debts. Collection of debts may not be the most pleasant of activities, but it allows others a channel to bring themselves back into balance. This could be a day to remind others of what may be owed, as well as paying our own debts. We keep the wheel of energy turning and as a result keep ourselves and others healthy.

On the most pleasant side of this energy, it could be a great day to do something special on behalf of someone you love, especially to restore balance in a relationship. That said, especially today, random acts of kindness towards your family, community or even complete strangers may go a long way to paying off karmic debts you might have incurred.


When I mention programs, it is because I personally know the people involved and can vouch that your donations will actually go towards helping the people for which they are intended. I would like to mention the Konojel program and their work in San Marcos la Laguna. They have turned from a basic, “let’s make sure bellies are full” program to one of much more social development. You can check out their programs and make a donation here https://konojel.org/


Within the village of San Pablo la Laguna, there is an organisation doing great work. They are called ODIM and are specialising in medical and educational services. During the pandemic restrictions, they helped feed many people, but this is in addition to their regular, long term work there. You can find out more about them through this link http://www.odimguatemala.org/donate

Popol Jay

Popol Jay is an ancient name to define the House of the Council of Elders, among the Maya of Guatemala. These were places of wisdom where sacred knowledge about medicine, the calendars, music, spiritual practice and more was kept and passed to future generations. They were all burnt down during the Conquest and subsequent Colonization periods. Today, the Q’eqchi’ Maya Council of Elders Releb’aal Saq’e has joined forces with many supporters to rebuild the Popol Jay of the North, in the lowlands of the Petén region, heart of the Maya culture of the Classic Period. The Elders have worked hard to acquire land and co-design this Center of Knowledge to share ancient wisdom with the World. To donate to the Elders of Peten to fund the Popol Jay, please use this link https://www.gofundme.com/f/popoljay-zentrum-fr-mayawissen

The Nawal Toj

The nawal Toj represents offerings and payment. It is part of the name Tojil, a Mayan god who gave fire to the people, although this was not a free gift. Tojil asked in return for sacrifice to be made. This is a day of payment and sacrifice, a day to resolve debts, both in the physical and spiritual realms. Toj is the nawal of the sacred fire where we make offerings to burn away karmic debts. In this way we restore balance, we bring our accounts back to zero.

Toj carries with it a form of divine protection, which is enhanced through selfless acts. These acts might involve a sacrifice of our time or energy in order to strengthen our community. We can choose to act or we can choose to ignore. However, ignoring an opportunity to make a payment on a Toj day might bring a ill fortune, the removal of the protection. Payment should be made with an open heart, thanks might not be quickly forthcoming, and may not come at all. Your sacrifice could be  something as simple as picking up litter in your neighbourhood, it doesn’t have to be something elaborate.

The Number Two

The number 2 is representative of duality, of polarity. Although a low number, it has surprising strength. It is said to be able to call upon both aspects or polarities of what it is attached to. It is said to be the number of lovers, it signifies relationships and self-sacrifice. Whilst it can lend itself to mediation, seeing both sides of the story, it also can be indecisive.

8 Iq’ (16th November 2023)

8 IqThe words of the young and old combine to complete the message. The nawal Iq’ governs communication and change and today it is combined with the number of wholeness, the number 8.

The eighth day of the trecena is the most widely recognised day of ceremony, and the ceremonies today are to give thanks for the many qualities attributed to the nawal Iq’. First and foremost, they are for the breath of life. It is the nawal Iq’ which breathes life into us. Therefore, in many ways, the celebration of nawal Iq’ is a celebration of life itself. Offerings are made to give thanks for every breath taken.

It is also a day to recognise what the passing of the breath of life through our throats brings, that is communication. Iq’ days are wordy days, days to receive and transmit messages, especially when they are of deeper meaning. These are days when your words are empowered by the divine breath, sometimes you might not even recognise the words you utter. They are messages for others, not from you but through you. These messages bring change and therefore life, and today is a day to show gratitude for them.

The day 8 Iq’ can be seen as a day of communication, where inspiration may come to you in a truly useful, practical way. It can also be a day where challenging subjects that need to be discussed can be communicated in such a way that the point gets across without conflict. Changes might happen, but they happen with a particular grace and ease that helps to embrace life rather than turn it upside down. The effect of these changes will wholly depend on your attitude towards them.

The Nawal Iq’

Wind God 1

Nawal Iq’ is another strong nawal. It represents communication and particularly divine inspiration. It is the wind, the breath of life, that which brings the change in seasons.

The communication brought by Iq’ can be enlightening and inspiring. It is the breath of the divine which flows through us all, in fact the word for soul is Saq Iq’ – white breath. When our breath stops, our divine essence leaves our physical body. When we engage ourselves with the divine breath we are able to create, to manifest with our words, to inspire those around us. However, Iq’ also has a destructive side. It has the ability to blow like a hurricane and may level everything before it. It is the angry words which cut down everything in their path.

Hurricane is one of the few English words which is actually derived from a Mayan word- Junrakan, meaning “one footed”. Junrakan is another name for the Heart of the Sky, one of the creator deities. Once again it seems that certain patterns follow through the sequence of the nawales which are interrelated. Imox, the female creative principle, or egg, is fertilised be Iq’, the male principle. Their combination results in Aq’ab’al, the conception and a change in the state, bringing the dream into reality.

Iq’ is a day of communication, a day of inspiration. It can be a great day to express yourself through written or particularly verbal means. It is also a day on which changes happen. You can either embrace those changes or resist them. However, be aware that the wind blows forcefully and resistance of change requires a great deal of energy. Embracing change helps you to learn to dance like a leaf in the wind.

The Number Eight

The number 8 is considered to be a number of wholeness. It can be seen as birth (1) and death (7) combined to represent the whole cycle of the soul. It can also be seen as the point where the four first men who raised the sky from the sea were joined by their wives and the world become whole. The eighth day of the trecena is the most common day for ceremonies to be made. It is still in the balanced range of numbers and is an even number, which is also considered fortunate. As this wholeness represents every aspect of the energy of the day with which it is coupled. It is the wholeness of the nawal that is addressed in ceremony.

8 Ajmak (21st October 2023)

8 AjmakThe combination of the nawal of forgiveness and pardon with the number of ceremony gives rise to a day for powerful work in the area of redemption.

Ajmak day are not always easy to negotiate. The energy may bring up our “failings” or those of others. They remind us of what it is to be human, both through the ways of compassionate forgiveness, and through actions which give rise to the need to forgive. These are how we learn, but we do not need to keep running the same program once we have learned what we need from it. For example, an action gives rise to a reaction. That reaction may be desirable or undesirable. We may wish to repeat the desirable one and not repeat the undesirable one.

However, holding on to guilt about the action which gave the undesirable reaction rarely serves any purpose. In the Maya cross of Ajmak, the future sign is K’at, the net. Thus, the future of Ajmak can be abundance, one aspect of K’at, or it can lead to ensnarement. This ensnarement may be a result of guilt, the inability to move on from an action which produced undesirable consequences. Of course, this is highly simplified, but we often do choose to hold onto our guilt for longer than we need to. It becomes a burden, stifling our creativity and preventing us from achieving our full potential. It can be something which stops us from living the lives we are able to live, filling us with regret. Choosing to cleanse ourselves from the burden of guilt over past actions can have a dramatic effect on our lives, as can releasing grudges we hold towards people who have wronged us in our perception. Holding grudges takes a huge amount of our creative energy away, again preventing us from being all we can truly be.

Ajmak days give us an opportunity to resolve this in one way or another, and 8 Ajmak points us in a direction of ceremony. So how might we make a forgiveness ceremony? Unless we are in the Maya lands, we may be unable to make a Maya ceremony, so here are two other ideas of forgiveness ceremonies. I realise they are not insights into Maya ceremonies, and hope that you will forgive me this. The opportunity to free ourselves from what we no longer need to carry seems like too good an opportunity to allow it to pass without comment. Firstly, we might make a ceremonial fire. It doesn’t have to be a large and ostentatious affair, your intention is the important ingredient. Write down what you want to forgive, or be forgiven for, on pieces of paper. Light your fire and connect yourself with your true essence, connect with the Earth and the Sky. Say some words which have meaning to you, prayers if you like, then lovingly and respectfully put your papers into the fire. You might like to read them out loud first, contemplating each one as you burn it away. When you have finished, say thank you in whichever way seems most appropriate. Another way may be to use the four sentences of Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian art of forgiveness. Bring the person or situation to mind and use the following four phrases.

I am sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you

Both of these methods have the ability to release you from your burden through forgiveness. This is the day to energetically wipe the slate clean, and move forward without guilt or resentment to hold you back. Embrace your creativity and allow yourself and others to be human. 20160210_103146

Ajmak is the nawal of pardon and forgiveness, the nawal of redemption. It is the energy of being human, of falling down and getting back up again, and giving those chances to others. When the creators fashioned the four first men, the Bacab’ob, they created them as equals. These four first humans had superhuman abilities, including the ability to see through space and time. As equals were not desired, the gods smoked the mirror of perception, giving us our human set of senses. When we lost the ability to see through time, we lost the ability to see the true consequences of our actions and thus we needed to start asking for forgiveness. Sometimes even well meaning actions can cause problems at a later date. Ajmak represents this ability to forgive others, the ability to forgive ourselves and the ability to accept forgiveness. Ajmak is a sensual energy, which creates some of the reasons for it’s needing to be forgiven. It is kind and very lovable, but irresponsible. It can be a very talented energy, with great ideas. However it can also be very easily distracted, especially by anything that makes it feel nice. This often leads Ajmak to failing to fulfil it’s true potential, although due to it’s lovable nature it is easy to forgive. One of the lessons with regards to the Ajmak energy is learning to forgive oneself. The number 8 is considered to be a number of wholeness. It can be seen as birth (1) and death (7) combined to represent the whole cycle of the soul. It can also be seen as the point where the four first men who raised the sky from the sea were joined by their wives and the world become whole. It is the most common day for ceremonies to be made, it is still in the balanced range of numbers and is an even number, which is also considered fortunate. As this wholeness represents every aspect of the energy of the day with which it is coupled, it is the wholeness of the nawal that is addressed in ceremony.

5 Ajpu (5th October 2023)

5 AjpuThe day 5 Ajpu may be a day when recognising the divine in the world around you may be challenging. However, hard work is rewarded, and things don’t always get handed to you on a plate! It may be a day to find a higher meaning in your work or everyday tasks.

The energy of the nawal Ajpu often drives us to try to find the higher meaning in things around us. It fuels our quest for the divine in the everyday. Of course, everything is part of the oneness from where it all came, but over time some things have become very separated from that source. We may have many judgements about the world in which we live, many of which will be correct. However, sometimes we may become overwhelmed by these as the mass media bombards us with images of man’s inhumanity and disrespect for the Earth. Sometimes this can lead us to losing sight of the beauty in our world.

Today is a day when this may be particularly hard, however, the energy of nawal Ajpu encourages us to try. This may be a day when finding that goodness, or divinity, in the world around you may help to remind you of the true beauty which can be perceived. You will just need to actively go and seek it rather than expect it to come to you.

Kinich Ahau, the solar deity, lord of space and time. From the Dresden Codex.
Kinich Ahau, the solar deity, lord of space and time. From the Dresden Codex.

Nawal Ajpu is once again a nawal with a multitude of meanings and translations. In the Yucatec language it is known as Ahau, in Kiche is is also known as Junajpu. These are in turn variously translated into English as lord, hunter, blow gunner, flower and sun. Each one of the translations has it’s merits, and represents an aspect of this auspicious nawal.

Within the ancient Mayan society, the royals were not just political leaders of their particular city-states, they were priest-kings and priest-queens. They served as the conduit to the divine, deriving their wisdom for guiding their people through their connection with the Heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Sky. This wisdom enriched both the ruling dynasty and their people, as they would be working in harmony with the gods. Thus the ruler of the city was also the physical embodiment of the divine, and it is to this that Ajpu is so closely related. Likewise it represents our potential, the state of divinity to which we may aspire.

Ajpu represents the holiness in life, the divinity in the physical world, and our search for it. It is that moment when you look closely at a flower to see the beautiful detail, the moment when you see the magnificence of the landscape you live within, the beauty in your child’s eyes or in the face of your partner. It is the random act of kindness that restores our faith in humanity. It is the search for the underlying meaning in all situations, understanding that each person is a part of the whole. Whether we like it or not, and however we judge it, we are all a part of creation. Our every action, and every action of others gives us the opportunity to explore ourselves and our reaction, whether we are attracted or repelled by the action of others. However, sometimes Ajpu can lead us to become immersed in the other world, to lose sight of reality, it is important to remember to stay in touch with the Heart of the Earth as we reach to the Heart of the Sky.

The Sacred Mayan calendar is often said to be a calendar of human life, and parts of it can be seen as a microcosm of the human body. The number five is one of these parts. It is representative of the hand with it’s five digits. It is with our hands that we work, and with what we earn for that work that we pay our debts. Five is also a number that relates to the sacred fire where we pay our debts with offerings and prayers. Five might be so busy working that it fails to remember what it is working for. It can also signify that what it is attached to becomes work, or is “hard work”.

8 K’at (30th August 2023)

8 K'atThe eighth day of the trecena is the most prevalent day for ceremony, and today it is combined with the net that gathers the harvest. It is a day to be grateful for your abundance, and for your liberty.

With the bundling energy of the nawal K’at, this can be a day to draw things together. Its combination with the number 8 brings the sense of wholeness to this, it can be seen as a day on which to bring things together with the support of the masculine and feminine aspects of the qualities of the four directions. If we see the 8 as representing the 1 of beginnings and the 7 of endings, they are not only combined in the number 8, but then fully embraced by the nawal K’at. It is a day of gathering, of seeds, of people, of ideas, and celebrating the abundance that these things bring to your life.

The nawal K’at also represents capture, whilst the positive aspect represents harvest and abundance, the darker side represents entanglement and prisons. This is not just those outside of ourselves, but our ability to get caught in our own nets. This is a representation of our own attachment to the physical things which sustain us within our physical body. Whilst this abundance might serve us well, over attachment to physical goods may distract us from our true life path. The same may be true for situations or people, it does not just have to be physical objects that create the net which holds us back. K’at days give us an excellent opportunity to understand what is stopping us from achieving our dreams, and setting ourselves free of it.

Every day is a good day to be grateful for the abundance you receive in life, but today is of greater importance. It is a day on which ceremonies may be made to celebrate harvest and all that comes from it, to give thanks for the ability this gives us to fill the bellies of our families. It is also a day to give thanks for your freedom and to release anything which is holding you back. Wholly embrace it or set it free.


The goddess and the yellows. Here she sits with the glyphs representing (from top to bottom) E’, K’at, Ajmak, Q’anil and Ajpu. This is the progression in which they appear when arranged in the “Maya Cross” form of divination. From the Dresden Codex

K’at signifies a net and represents gathering together or bundling. Here, in the Western Highlands of Guatemala, to this day many crops are harvested and carried in nets – oranges, lemons, avocados to name but a few. Through this we see one of the positive meanings of this nawal, that of abundance and harvest. K’at is a great day to draw things together, whether this means gathering in your crops, collecting ideas and opinions for your projects, or inviting people to a social event. It is a day of prosperity and the bounty which comes from the Earth, a day of gardeners, but also of merchants.

However, K’at also has its more challenging side. An abundant crop will fill the net, but it will also slow you down. K’at is also the nawal of prisons and burdens, as the net which gathers, can also ensnare us. When candles are purchased for the fire ceremonies, they come in bundles held together by little strings. When the nawal K’at is addressed during the fire ceremony, these strings are put in to the fire,  with offerings, to ask K’at to help us release ourselves from our burdens, from the ties which bind us.  These ties can also be seen as excessive attachment to material things.

The number 8 is considered to be a number of wholeness. It can be seen as birth (1) and death (7) combined to represent the whole cycle of the soul. It can also be seen as the point where the four first men who raised the sky from the sea were joined by their wives and the world become whole. It is the most common day for ceremonies to be made, it is still in the balanced range of numbers and is an even number, which is also considered fortunate. As this wholeness represents every aspect of the energy of the day with which it is coupled, it is the wholeness of the nawal that is addressed in ceremony.