cycles of faith concluding

9 Tz’i 3 Wayeb – The Fourth Day of Wayeb

The fourth day of introspection during the Wayeb is associated with definition, and in this solar cycle it is combined with the energy of a day which has some very profound meanings.

We have passed through the three previous days and identified where we are. This time has you helped to identify your strengths and your weaknesses, and asked of you to accept all this as a part of who you are.  Now with the experience, knowledge and understanding of yourself, it is time to start charting your course for the coming year of 11 E’.

The day 9 Tz’i is a very interesting day, especially highlighting faith in life. As we have passed through the year 10 Kej, no doubt our faith has taken a few knocks. Maybe we have been tempted by our vices, especially the ones we have carried through our lives. Each of these moments could be seen as a test. Perhaps in our reflection today, we could consider the moments when our faith in our life path has faltered, or when we have succumbed to familiar vices. As we venture into the intrepid exploratory year of 11 E’, we will need to carry our faith with us, and of course, walk this bold path in a spirit of unconditional love. It is a perfect day to ask for a guide or guardian to accompany us on our journey ahead.

Another representation of Pawahtuun, the god of the Wayeb, this time from the Paris Codex. From

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