fourth closing day

8 Imox 4 Wayeb – The Final Day of Wayeb

The fifth day of Wayeb completes these days of introspection and retreat. In some ways, whilst this is the day when we can see the dawn of the new year coming, it may also be the most difficult day. It is the day when we start the process to emerge from the chrysalis.

There may be a crystallisation of the process which has been taking place though the days of Wayeb. Here, its combination with the day 8 Imox. Days numbered 8 can be excellent for bringing what they are focussed on to wholeness, and here that is the dream. This, quite simply, is the day to focus on the crystallisation of the dream. Emergence from the cocoon is not without pain, but here we are ready to emerge, with our new dream. We have spent this time of reflection thinking, discerning, healing and choosing and now we are about to move forward, and take this dream into the new solar year of 9 Iq’, possibly also leaving behind some of the nightmares we had in 8 No’j.

Pawahtuun, also known as Mam and god N. Known as the god of the Wayeb and the number five. An old man that carries a conch shell, who was both a beloved creator and a trickster. From the Dresden Codex

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