fourth closing day

7 Ajpu 3 Wayeb – The Fourth Day of Wayeb

The fourth day of introspection during the Wayeb is associated with definition, and in this solar cycle it is combined with the energy of a day which has some very profound meanings.

We have passed through the three previous days and identified where we are. This time has you helped to identify your strengths and your weaknesses, and asked of you to accept all this as a part of who you are.  Now with the experience, knowledge and understanding of yourself, it is time to start charting your course for the coming year of 9 Iq’.

In the Popol Vuh, it is Jun (1) Junajpu and Wucub (7) Junajpu who are the first pair of twins to descend into Xibalba, the underworld. As they are beings who are only accustomed to the solar world, the land of light, they are easily tricked and sacrificed by the Lords Kame. The head of Jun Junajpu goes on to impregnate the maiden Ix K’ik, who gives birth to the hero twins. This new set of twins, composed of equal parts darkness and light, defeat the Lords Kame, rescue the head of Jun (1) Junajpu and bring the light back to the world. However, there is a deeper meaning that can be seen in this. The number 1 represents birth, the new and beginnings, novelty. The number 7 represents endings, the old and death. Junajpu is related to the sun, and Maya civilisations were counted in Suns. For example, 13th August 3114 BC was the beginning of the age of the fourth sun (or civilisation), and 21st December 2012 was the beginning of the fifth sun, the new civilisation. However, Wucub (7) Junajpu was not resurrected, he remained in the underworld and was not heard from again.

Thus, 7 Ajpu represents the old sun, old world, the old civilisation, and here we find it in a very auspicious moment. As we combine it with the fourth day of Wayeb, it gives us an opportunity to define what we want to leave behind in the old civilisation and what we want to take forward. As we move into the year of the life breath, 9 Iq’, how can we define what it is that we want to apply that life breath to?

Another representation of Pawahtuun, the god of the Wayeb, this time from the Paris Codex. From

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