Just as the combination of nawal and number can create challenges, it can also create perfect conditions. The combination of the number of stability with the nawal of the path should give an excellent day for exploration.
The energy of the nawal E’ takes us on a voyage of discovery, whether that involves actual physical movement or not. It seeks adventure, and can be known as both a thrill seeker and a risk taker, although E’ is usually known as a benevolent energy. E’ is certainly a restless energy, and may show up today as a desire for new experiences.
However, the combination with the stabilising energy of the number 6, can be particularly useful when combined with the energy of the nawal E’. The properties of the number 6 bring stability to the wandering energy of E’, bringing purpose and direction. This is not just a physical journey, there is much more behind it. It brings the inspiration from both heaven and Earth into the physical realm in order to set its course. Not only is it guided by a higher perspective, it is also blessed by it, and as such today should be a particularly beneficial day for travel. This too applies to learning and research, all which moves into new areas of understanding and experience.
Today is a day to stabilise your life path.
Nawal E’ represents the journey of discovery, the life path in both its physical and spiritual aspects. E’ is the explorer, it craves novelty. It inspires travel to understand different cultures and ways of life, it is a seeker of experience. It can be a thrill seeker, and sometimes will take risks to understand what it is examining. Whilst it gains experience and understanding through physical travel, E’ also drives us to explore our inner world, helping us to understand our own minds and hearts, and those of others. E’ sometimes creates a restlessness, the desire to find new things within the world means that E’ finds it difficult to sit still.
E’ can sometimes cause us to explore simply for the sake of exploration, we seek the new experience because it is there. This can give rise to a lack of direction, aimless wandering. However, even in its wanderings E’ is discovering. It may not know exactly where it is going, but it will when it gets there. In it’s best aspect, E’ seeks out knowledge and experience in order to form an understanding which brings wisdom. E’ enjoys sharing the wisdom gained with its peers, for the enrichment of the community.
E’ is another of the classic carriers of the year, or year lords. It is said that E’ years tend to be some of the more gentle and favourable years. E’ is seen as a good natured nawal. E’ days are considered to be good days on which to travel and explore, whether that be externally or internally. It is a day to find or remember your path, a day to ask for your path to be cleared of obstructions, and a day to ask for guidance and protection on your path.
The number six is said to be the number of ultimate stability. It is the first of the three middle numbers of the cycle, the balance point neither too strong nor too weak. It is a day frequently used for ceremony thanks to its conducive energy. It represents the four directions with the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth. It also represents family, relating to the six qualities that nourish and hold families together – health, understanding, property, employment, friendship and actions.

Maltiox, for these words and inspiration. Today is my birth nawal.
And all made perfect sense in the perfect moment. Gracias.
Many blessings on your new cycle