Today, the energy of the nawal of strength and determination combines with the energy of balance and stability. This can provide an excellent opportunity to harness this lively and vital energy of the wilderness.
It is an interesting experience to observe the qualities of each trecena through its individual components. The trecena of Iq’ proves to live up to its unpredictable nature once again today. Whilst we might have just been through the potentially challenging days of 3 K’at and 5 Kame, favourable days with challenging numbers, the high energy nawales of Kan and Kej combine with very favourable numbers to bring them under control. Just as 4 Kan brings the wisdom down to Earth, 6 Kej stabilises strength.
Kej may often be referred to as “deer”, but in the K’ichean dictionary I have it is translated as horse. The energy of Kej certainly has similarities with that of the horse, both through its capacity to carry or work and its stubbornness should the situation dictate. It has a noble freedom about it and may be difficult to control, giving those who try to do so a wild ride. However, today is different. Today it is possible to bring that strength and determination into clear focus, using that energy to lead if necessary, especially in matters of family. Of course, the place where this is felt the most is in the wilderness, where this energy is the greatest.
The day 6 Kej is a day to draw on the power of the natural world to bring stability to your life and vitality to your family. As such it could be a great day to take a walk in the woods with your loved ones, you should all feel the benefit.
Today we move into the final five days of the solar year, called Tz’apin Q’ij (or Wayeb.) These are important days within the calendar and will be covered in their own individual posts. You can see the post about the first day of Wayeb here
Xbalamkiej, patron of the day Kej one of the hero twins from the Popol Vuh. From the Dresden CodexKej is possibly the strongest of the nawales, it is powerful, but in a different way to Kan. Kej is energetic, lively and determined. It is the nawal of nature, of the wilderness and it is this power that it draws on. The animal totem of Kej is the deer, but if you have fragile, new-born Bambi in mind, think again. This is the majestic stag, standing on the mountain surveying his domain. Whilst most nawales are not necessarily engendered, Kej is most definitely masculine. Both men and women that carry Kej as their nawal have great strength, although the men tend to hide their strength more. Kej women are particularly driven, resourceful and brave, sometimes to the point of being rather dominant. All radiate an aura of nobility, people tend to look to them to lead.
Kej is the nawal of the Mayan “religion”, a day of spiritual leaders, of shaman and of priests. It is these leaders who understand how to read the messages from the natural world, who help to keep our existence in balance with nature. It is a day to connect with the wilderness and draw the power of the natural world into you, to harmonise and replenish.
The number six is said to be the number of ultimate stability. It is the first of the three middle numbers of the cycle, the balance point neither too strong nor too weak. It is a day frequently used for ceremony thanks to it’s conducive energy. It represents the four directions with the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth. It also represents family, relating to the six qualities that nourish and hold families together – health, understanding, property, employment, friendship and actions.