Keep your head up and your senses keen today, it is one of the most potent days of all. It carries with it the possibilities of great wisdom or great manipulation by those with power. Learn to see through the illusion.

Kan is not necessarily a problematic energy, but it can be if it is not well directed. In its most positive aspect we can expect wisdom to come through from the unseen world today. It is an excellent day for divination, and for asking for wisdom, particularly from your ancestors. If you were ever thinking of consulting a medium, today would be an excellent day to make an appointment with one. If you are at a loss to know what to do next and need the advice of a dear departed friend, today their words should come through loud and clear.
However, the dark side of Kan is also powerful. It is the side which governs spells and illusions, the love and abuse of power. It is also assisting those who would seek power over others. Be aware of attempts at mass deception today, use your wisdom to discern between fact and fiction. The people misusing the nawal Kan have the ability to seduce and flatter, and it is only when you are going over the cliff with a big smile on your face that you realise they have deceived you.
In your favour, it may bring you the wisdom to see through the illusions cast by by those in power, the infinite light from the spirit world illuminating the manipulator behind the scenes.

Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbology is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or coyopa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In its most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in its negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with its power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding its prey in an almost hypnotic grip with its allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
The number 13 is the final number. It represents the spirit world. It is said that on Halloween, the veil between the worlds is the thinnest. However within the sacred calendar, this thinning happens every 13 days. This connection with the spirit world creates a powerful day, where both the positive and negative aspects of the nawal it is attached to come through strongly. It is a very good day for activities such as divinations, however, ceremonies on 13 days are generally only carried out by the most experienced Aj Q’ij who understand how to work with that strength of energy.