the whole picture may be revealed

10 Tz’ikin (27th July 2020)

10 Tz'ikinToday we see the prosperous nawal Tz’ikin, paired with the cooperative and community minded energy of the number 10 giving rise to a day of sharing visions for prosperity within your community.

Communities prosper when each member of that community is strong and healthy. Should one member have a problem, a strong community will rally round and ensure that the individual is supported.  Each member of the community brings their own wisdom and energy and is valued for their input. The ability to freely give that support, and accept it when it is offered is what truly benefits the community and everyone in it.

Change is not always easy, and as we go further through this trecena of Kame, we may need some assistance to achieve our completed vision of transformation. Tz’ikin is the day of visions and these visions are known to bring prosperity, both to yourself and your community. This prosperity may be financial, but it may also be greater wisdom or understanding. Sometimes these visions may be grand and may require skills or knowledge that you don’t possess in order to achieve them. Today is a day when we can share our visions with our community, and when we can ask for a helping hand to manifest these visions into the physical world. As always, this energy works both ways. A member of your community may be looking for your advice to help them see what they are missing in their plan, or to help them see things from a different perspective. Your willingness to share your vision with them may bring prosperity into both of your lives.

The Resplendent Quetzal, National bird of Guatemala. From
The Resplendent Quetzal, National bird of Guatemala. From

The nawal Tz’ikin is a nawal of good fortune, almost literally. Tz’ikin is another manifestation and abundance day, a day of prosperity which comes through vision. The word Tz’ikin means bird, although many like to relate it to the Quetzal bird or Eagle. Where the nawal Ix is connected with the Heart of the Earth, Tz’ikin is connected with the Heart of the Sky. In the foliated cross representation of Aj, we saw the bird deity sitting atop the cross representing the Heart of the Sky. Whilst all is one in the general overview, we could see Ix as representing the female principle (Earth energy / yin) and Tz’ikin as representing the male principle (Sky energy / yang).

A nawal of prosperity, sometimes seems odd to people seeking “higher knowledge”. It is not quite seen the same here. If your family is starving, you are more likely to fall off the good road, perhaps into dishonesty or criminal activity. By asking nawal Tz’ikin for prosperity in your life, you are more likely to be relaxed, to be able to help others and to be more constructive within your community. That is not to say that your own input of hard work will not be necessary, just that it is hard work that will pay off.

Tz’ikin has the ability to give visions, it helps people to see the bigger picture within life. It also helps people to focus on details. It has grand aspirations and helps people to rise to the top of their abilities, which of course brings them prosperity.

Just as Tz’ikin can focus, it’s broad vision can occasionally cause distraction. Sometimes, just when it is heading towards it’s goal it can be distracted by something “shiny.” This energy gives an ability to create great social networks, but sometimes spends too much time trying to maintain them.

The number 10 is another number which demonstrates the connection between the sacred calendar and the human body. As five represents one hand, ten represents two hands coming together. This can be seen as the shaking of hands creating agreement between people. Ten is seen as a good number, a number of community and the laws of society, of people acting in harmony with each other.

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