Today, the strength and determination afforded by the nawal Kej are combined with the number representing the joining of hands. It is a day to play an active role in strengthening your community.
Kej is known as the strongest of the nawales, this is part of what gives it the energy to lead. Whilst the energy of Kej can be quite domineering, leaders can only retain their position if people follow them, and people will only follow them if there are some benefits to it. So whilst Kej gives a very driven energy, it does tend to be moving in a beneficial direction.
With regards to the wilderness aspect of Kej, today would be an excellent day for a journey into nature with members of your community. Any kind of communal work (or play) in nature would be likely to bring strength to the group. It would be a very favourable day to organise an environmental project within your village, which would benefit both the local wildlife, and the community.
The number 10 represents community and cooperation, two hands coming together. In true community this should give rise to both giving and receiving equally amongst members of the community. Sometimes we have excess and sometimes we are deficient, our abilities and actions depend on which state we are in. The energy of 10 Kej brings a day where the assistance we provide through stretching out our hands to offer our strength to our community will be greatly enhanced. Equally, if you are in need of assistance, this is a great day to seek that from your community.

Kej is possibly the strongest of the nawales, it is powerful, but in a different way to Kan. Kej is energetic, lively and determined. It is the nawal of nature, of the wilderness and it is this power that it draws on. The animal totem of Kej is the deer, but if you have fragile, new-born Bambi in mind, think again. This is the majestic stag, standing on the mountain surveying his domain. Whilst most nawales are not necessarily engendered, Kej is most definitely masculine. Both men and women that carry Kej as their nawal have great strength, although the men tend to hide their strength more. Kej women are particularly driven, resourceful and brave, sometimes to the point of being rather dominant. All radiate an aura of nobility, people tend to look to them to lead.
Kej is the nawal of the Mayan “religion”, a day of spiritual leaders, of shaman and of priests. It is these leaders who understand how to read the messages from the natural world, who help to keep our existence in balance with nature. It is a day to connect with the wilderness and draw the power of the natural world into you, to harmonise and replenish.
The number 10 is another number which demonstrates the connection between the sacred calendar and the human body. As five represents one hand, ten represents two hands coming together. This can be seen as the shaking of hands creating agreement between people. Ten is seen as a good number, a number of community and the laws of society, of people acting in harmony with each other.