The cycle of Venus was of great importance to the ancient Maya, and often used to time ritual activities including warfare and sacrifices. Venus was generally seen to have an unsettling influence, particularly during the time of the heliacal rising of Venus.
Today is the first day of the inferior conjunction of Venus. Venus is passing between the Earth and the Sun, and as such will not be visible in our night sky. Since the day 10 Kame (19th July 2016) Venus has appeared in the west, just after sunset each night. From January onward it became a little lower each night and tonight it will be lost in the glare of the sunset for 8 days.
The inferior conjunction of Venus has coincided with some societal upheavals including the downfall of leaders occurring during or soon after. According to Bruce Scofield in his book How to Practice Mayan Astrology:
“Newsworthy events occurring at, or just after, the inferior conjunction are often characterized by impulsive human errors the lead to a levelling or crash of some sort.”
Today, the first day of the inferior conjunction happens on 13 Ajmak, a day very much associated with “human error”. The energy of the day 13 Ajmak gives a great potential for forgiveness, but this may ultimately be required as the energy of 13 Ajmak may also give rise to some of the greatest errors of all.