The Trecena of Kan gives us new opportunities to learn, to discover new wisdom and to begin to empower ourselves and others. The link to the trecena video is at the bottom of the page.
In the video I make two suggestions for organisations you may wish to donate to. Here are the links:
ODIM: Within the village of San Pablo la Laguna, there is an organisation doing great work, specialising in medical and educational services. During the pandemic restrictions, they helped feed many people, but this is in addition to their regular, long term work there. You can find out more about them through this link
To donate to the Elders of Peten to fund the Popol Jay, please use this link
Popol Jay is an ancient name to define the House of the Council of Elders, among the Maya of Guatemala. These were places of wisdom where sacred knowledge about medicine, the calendars, music, spiritual practice and more was kept and passed to future generations. All were burnt down during the Conquest and subsequent Colonization periods. Today, the Q’eqchi’ Maya Council of Elders Releb’aal Saq’e has joined forces with many supporters to rebuild the Popol Jay of the North, in the lowlands of the Petén region, heart of the Maya culture of the Classic Period. The Elders have worked hard to acquire land and co-design this Center of Knowledge to share ancient wisdom with the World. You can read more about the Council and the Popol Jay in this link: Please watch our movie for a deeper understanding of the importance of preserving sacred medicinal plant and their inherent ancestral knowledge:
The total cost of this project reaches close to 500,000 USD as you can see in the link, but we are asking for your help to begin the first section through your kind donations to reach a first sum of 50,000 CHF.
No matter the size of your donation, the Elders wish to give back a gift of wisdom never shared before. With your donation, you will receive a PDF copy of the unique book about Maya Medicine in Guatemala (see table of content ). Currently available only in Spanish, we are working hard to develop an English version.
Please help us recreate this special place of Wisdom for Earth, hoping one day you will stand next to us to make the dream of Green Health for All, entirely possible.
The combination of the number representing endings and death, with the nawal Kan representing power and wisdom could signify coming to a conclusion about the wisdom that the correct application of power brings.
An ancestor brings wisdom through the vision serpent. Feathered Serpent Diety, detail of Classic Maya lintel at Yaxchilan, from ”A Study of Maya Art” by Herbert Spinden, 1913 {{PD-US}}
The energy that flows through us brings us power. How we choose to use power is up to us, but the energy of today would suggest that whatever we have been using it for will finally reveal its wisdom to us. If we were using it to heal and connect our community, it may reveal one type of wisdom. If we have been using its power to manipulate and distract, it may reveal a different type of wisdom. Today we reach the pinnacle of our power, and learn whatever lesson our use of it has brought to us.
From our vantage point at the top of the pyramid, we are able to see in all directions. This is a day which may bring the end to a certain illusion or manipulation, particularly by those who use their power to deceive, as we are able to see past what they are showing us.
With the number 7 being in the middle of the range we can also understand this day as being one on which power, together with its use and abuse, is very much held in equilibrium with the wisdom it brings. Maybe you have learned through experience, that there is a way you have been using your power that no longer serves you. Equally, it may be that you know if you choose to use your energy in a particular way, it brings peace to your family and community. Today you may have to make a choice between the dark, self-serving side of Kan, and the bright selfless side of Kan. You have the ability to tap into the wisdom you have gained from your experiences so far to guide your decision. In which way will you choose to engage your power?
Lady Xoc pierces her tongue and receives wisdom for her people from her ancestor emerging from the mouth of the vision serpent. From
Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbolism is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or coyopa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In its most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in its negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with its power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding its prey in an almost hypnotic grip with its allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
If we imagine the numbers 1 through 13 as a pyramid, the number seven would be at the top. Seven is the number of balance, it gives the ability to weigh up situations and see all points of view. While this may be very noble, it may lead to indecision.
The numbers of the days as they appear through the trecena. Here they can also be set out as a pyramid, reaching the peak is also the end of a journey.
The number seven is the mid-point of the range of numbers, as we would see them, but it is also known as a number of death and endings. This which would seem strange as it is only half way through the journey. However, another representation of the change of state of the soul, showing half of the journey (1-7) in the mortal world and half (8-13) in the other world. 7 Is the final number that appears in the bottom row before we move to the top row, suggesting the transition between realms. The numbers 1 and 7 embrace all other numbers as they appear in the sequence of nawales, and thus give a suggestion of beginnings and endings.
Keep your head up and your senses keen today, it is one of the most potent days of all. It carries with it the possibilities of great wisdom or great manipulation by those with power. Learn to see through the illusion.
An ancestor brings wisdom through the vision serpent. Feathered Serpent Diety, detail of Classic Maya lintel at Yaxchilan, from ”A Study of Maya Art” by Herbert Spinden, 1913 {{PD-US}}
Kan is not necessarily a problematic energy, but it can be if it is not well directed. In its most positive aspect we can expect wisdom to come through from the unseen world today. It is an excellent day for divination, and for asking for wisdom, particularly from your ancestors. If you were ever thinking of consulting a medium, today would be an excellent day to make an appointment with one. If you are at a loss to know what to do next and need the advice of a dear departed friend, today their words should come through loud and clear.
However, the dark side of Kan is also powerful. It is the side which governs spells and illusions, the love and abuse of power. It is also assisting those who would seek power over others. Be aware of attempts at mass deception today, use your wisdom to discern between fact and fiction. The people misusing the nawal Kan have the ability to seduce and flatter, and it is only when you are going over the cliff with a big smile on your face that you realise they have deceived you.
In your favour, it may bring you the wisdom to see through the illusions cast by by those in power, the infinite light from the spirit world illuminating the manipulator behind the scenes.
Be aware of the hypnotic effect of power and those who wield it.
Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbology is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or coyopa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In its most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in its negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with its power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding its prey in an almost hypnotic grip with its allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
The number 13 is the final number. It represents the spirit world. It is said that on Halloween, the veil between the worlds is the thinnest. However within the sacred calendar, this thinning happens every 13 days. This connection with the spirit world creates a powerful day, where both the positive and negative aspects of the nawal it is attached to come through strongly. It is a very good day for activities such as divinations, however, ceremonies on 13 days are generally only carried out by the most experienced Aj Q’ij who understand how to work with that strength of energy.
With Kan representing power, and the wisdom which comes from the correct application of it, today could be a good day to call on the power of heaven and Earth to bring wisdom to the physical world.
An ancestor brings wisdom through the vision serpent. Feathered Serpent Deity, detail of Classic Maya lintel at Yaxchilan, from ”A Study of Maya Art” by Herbert Spinden, 1913 {{PD-US}}
Kan is a very strong nawal, it is the raw energy of the lightning, and the power associated with that. It the lightning in our blood, our life force energy. Raw energy without direction can be a dangerous thing, causing destruction, and its strength may be too much for us to handle. It has the potential to be exactly the absolute power which corrupts absolutely. However, today we see it combined with the number of ultimate stability, the number 6. This gives us a chance to understand and harness the energy and to truly use it to achieve wisdom for our families and communities. With the 6 representing the four directions, together with the Heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Sky, we can understand that we have the potential to draw both power and wisdom from each of these points. We can do so in a balanced way, using it to bring harmony to the world around us.
The day 6 Kan is a day on which we can draw on the energy from all directions to gain the wisdom to see through illusions of power, our own or those of others. It is a day to address the balance of power in our world, and to bring stability to it.
Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbology is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or coyopa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In its most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in its negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with its power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding its prey in an almost hypnotic grip with its allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
The number six is said to be the number of ultimate stability. It is the first of the three middle numbers of the cycle, the balance point neither too strong nor too weak. It is a day frequently used for ceremony thanks to its conducive energy. It represents the four directions with the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth. It also represents family, relating to the six qualities that nourish and hold families together – health, understanding, property, employment, friendship and actions.
The energy of the day 12 Kan gives an opportunity to bring together all the wisdom you have accumulated through your life into one place.
The same could be said about the power you have accumulated. This could be an excellent day which brings out your true wisdom, something with which you can really help those around you to flourish. It is a day on which you may use the wisdom that you have developed through life to see through illusions.
One of the virtues of the nawal Kan is as a teacher and here we see the opportunity for the energy of this day to fulfil its highest aspect. This is the perfect day to empower others through your life experiences.
It is a strong, powerful day where you might feel the lightning you have cultured through your life moving through your body. It is very tempting to use this energy, just be aware of what you are putting your energy into. The strength of this day should mean that a little energy will go a long way, and an uncontrolled release of energy may cause harm. Be aware of the seductive power of the use of energy, ensure that you are the one in control, and use it wisely and for the empowerment of all.
An ancestor brings wisdom through the vision serpent. Feathered Serpent Diety, detail of Classic Maya lintel at Yaxchilan, from ”A Study of Maya Art” by Herbert Spinden, 1913 {{PD-US}}
Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbology is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or coyopa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In its most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in its negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with its power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding its prey in an almost hypnotic grip with its allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
The number 12 is the penultimate number. In some ways it can be seen as the last Earthly number, the number 13 representing the spirit world. We travelled through the mortal world with 1 through 6, then the other world with 7 through 12. In this way 12 can be seen as a point of bringing all of the experiences into one bundle for presentation to the spirit world as we step into 13. As such, the number 12 brings a wealth of experience into one place, it is rather like writing an autobiography. It is totality, all that is, brought together.
The day 5 Kan may see an opportunity to gain wisdom, but this may not come without some hard work. It may take some use of power, or the challenges that come from it, to bring out the true wisdom.
As we continue to move through the trecena of Imox, we now see the first sign of sentient life. Kan, representing the lightning in the blood, the life force energy, appears and brings this life force to the new embryo. This can be thought of as a spark of life being received by the vessel, the cluster of cells. This is not to say that it was not part of life before, but now that it has implanted in the womb, it is fully ready to be empowered. This process happens time and time again throughout our lives, empowering us, enlivening us and ultimately bringing us wisdom.
Today, the combination with the energy of the number 5 suggests that the ability to capture that spark of life may require a little work. Perhaps this work can be thought of as the effort put into spinning a dynamo, charging the capacitor to create the spark which in turn empowers us and those around us. The energy of the number 5 often focuses our attention on those around us more than ourselves, which when it comes to the energy of Kan may actually be rather a blessing. This could be seen as using your power for the good of all around you, one of the ultimate benevolent faces of Kan. However, despite the power to do so, it may be important to remember to keep some of this life force energy for yourself. Perhaps, setting the boundaries on how much of your energy you can safely give away to others is part of the wisdom brought by the energy of this day. Allow the energy to flow through you, rather than from you, by connecting to the Heart of the Sky, Junrakan, at the beginning of the day.
The other aspect of the number five represents blockages, and that what it is attached to becomes hard work. It may represent some challenge to your energy today, a power struggle where you lose sight of your wisdom. This may lead to you possibly being manipulated or seduced. If a challenge to your power arises, remain calm and avoid excessive use of force. Overt displays of power rarely achieve the desired effect and often demonstrate a lack of wisdom. Remember that the ultimate example of this nawal is that of the wise protector.
An ancestor brings wisdom through the vision serpent. Feathered Serpent Diety, detail of Classic Maya lintel at Yaxchilan, from ”A Study of Maya Art” by Herbert Spinden, 1913 {{PD-US}}
Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbology is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or coyopa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In its most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in its negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with its power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding its prey in an almost hypnotic grip with its allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
The Sacred Mayan calendar is often said to be a calendar of human life, and parts of it can be seen as a microcosm of the human body. The number five is one of these parts. It is representative of the hand with it’s five digits. It is with our hands that we work, and with what we earn for that work that we pay our debts. Five is also a number that relates to the sacred fire where we pay our debts with offerings and prayers. Five might be so busy working that it fails to remember what it is working for. It can also signify that what it is attached to becomes work, or is “hard work”.
Today sees the energy of the powerful and wise nawal Kan combined with the strong, meandering energy of the number 11. This is a day where the importance of correctly directing your energy may be highlighted.
11 Kan is a high numbered, and therefore high powered, day combined with a powerful nawal. So much power without definite direction can cause big problems. It is an unpredictable day, when surprising, powerful events may happen. It is possible that these events will eventually bring wisdom, although they may also cause damage along the way. Imagine a bottle rocket without the stick to balance it. It can fly off in any direction without warning, but with a great deal of force. Whilst it may be difficult to focus, it is essential to set a firm direction and put your energy into that. That way it is possible that you can truly derive the wisdom from the day rather than be carried along on the wild ride. If you happen to see the rocket heading in your direction, don’t wait around to see what happens, get out of the way.
Lady Xoc pierces her tongue and receives wisdom for her people from her ancestor emerging from the mouth of the vision serpent. From
Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbolism is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or coyopa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In its most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in its negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with its power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding its prey in an almost hypnotic grip with its allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
The number 11 is a high and odd number. This gives it some rather challenging properties, although it can come good in the end. Imagine you visit Ireland and are transfixed by the green of the hills, then you go to Morocco and are awed by the red of the buildings, then you go to the Caribbean and are moved by the turquoise sea. You return home and paint a beautiful picture using those colours. When you were in Ireland you didn’t know you were going to paint that masterpiece, you may not have even known why you were there. This is how 11 works. You are sure you need to be doing something, but unsure why. You are collecting experience through many wanderings.
Although the nawal Kan may have a rather chequered reputation, today may see some of its more positive aspects, as the community comes together to share wisdom and power.
Whilst the energy of the nawal Kan can have a dark side, the outcome of the Kan energy really depends on how the energy is wielded. It is a strong energy, a power which can be very seductive to the untrained. When misused, this energy can be used to create illusions and delusions, it can be used to manipulate. These type of uses, however, are usually unsustainable. Eventually the illusion dissolves and the manipulator is revealed.
However, the energy of Kan can be used to empower and to bring wisdom. Here we see it connected with the number representing community and cooperation. This would suggest a day where cooperating with the people around you may bring a greater and more profound effect than usual. Through interaction with your community, you may all gain a greater insight, and your community may become empowered for the good of all. This is a day to honour the teachers within our communities.
An ancestor brings wisdom through the vision serpent. Feathered Serpent Deity, detail of Classic Maya lintel at Yaxchilan, from ”A Study of Maya Art” by Herbert Spinden, 1913 {{PD-US}}
Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbology is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or coyopa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In it’s most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in it’s negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with it’s power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding it’s prey in an almost hypnotic grip with it’s allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
The number 10 is another number which demonstrates the connection between the sacred calendar and the human body. As five represents one hand, ten represents two hands coming together. This can be seen as the shaking of hands creating agreement between people. Ten is seen as a good number, a number of community and the laws of society, of people acting in harmony with each other.
The nawal Kan, combines with the number 3 to create a possibly challenging day when it comes to issues of power and wisdom. However, the correct application of these may bring benefits.
The number 3 can represent challenges, it is seen as unstable and is not necessarily the easiest number to work with. When combined with the energy of the nawal Kan, this may be very problematic. It may be a day of power struggles, of challenges to your wisdom. It may be a day on which big decisions are best avoided, your wisdom may be obscured. This is certainly not a day to attempt to use power to push through any obstacles, even if it worked, the consequences may be undesirable. However, everyone will experience the same problem and you may start to see behind any hypnotic facades that have been projected towards you by those trying to deceive you or hold power over you.
A positive way to work with the energy of this day may be to direct the power and wisdom of Kan internally, both towards the home of your body and the home of your soul. Whilst it might not be ready for external expression, this may prove to be an excellent day for introspective searching, finding and listening to your inner wisdom. It is a day to look for empowerment within, to nurture it and bring it into your home for the good of all around you.
An ancestor brings wisdom through the vision serpent. Feathered Serpent Diety, detail of Classic Maya lintel at Yaxchilan, from ”A Study of Maya Art” by Herbert Spinden, 1913 {{PD-US}}
Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbology is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or kayapa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In it’s most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in it’s negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with it’s power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding it’s prey in an almost hypnotic grip with it’s allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
There are various myths about the creation which link with the number 3. One is that at the time of creation, three stone jumped out of the fireplace and formed the new world. These three stones are called the hearthstones, and are still seen in many Maya homes today, on the fire supporting the tortilla griddle. From an astronomical point of view, the stones are the stars Alnitak, Saiph and Rigel in the constellation we call Orion, and the Smoky Fireplace is the Great Orion Nebula (M42)
A (slightly crude) montage showing a proposed correlation between the constellation of Orion and the triadic structure of Maya pyramids. This one is “El Tigre” at the El Mirador site. Photo and montage by Mark Elmy
The number 3 is still in the low end of the range of numbers. It does not have much energy yet, and it is also an odd number. It can represent the home, relating to the three hearthstones laid by the creators, and this is probably a good focus for a 3 day. However, it is possibly the most troublesome of the numbers to deal with, it lacks stability and represents challenges and obstructions. The number three brings up internal/external dilemma. The lack of stability in the physical, external world that it brings suggests that the more appropriate action is to look to the internal world, both of the home and of yourself.
The nawal of power and wisdom combines with the number representing life and the divine feminine gives rise to a day of empowerment through the wisdom of women.
The nawal Kan is associated with the body energy, the lightning in the blood. This energy empowers us physically and spiritually, enabling us to carry out our work and advance ourselves as we do so. We all carry it, and some actively engage with it to one degree or another. Whilst this energy can be useful, it can also be addictive. The ability to direct it at will, and the results it may bring, may mean that the power which is exercised becomes personalised. The desire for greater power ensues and the serpent’s hypnotic power draws the unwitting into manipulative illusions.
Whilst the nawal Kan has the power to seduce and create illusions, it also gives the ability to see through them. It is on Kan days that we ask for this ability, and today that is strongly linked with life through the number 9. This is a day to use both your power and your wisdom to see through the illusion of the world, you may find that the energy of women around you helps you to do this.
However, when used correctly, the power of Kan has the ability to bring true wisdom, and enlighten those around it. Today, its combination with the number 9 highlights feminine wisdom in particular, and the wisdom which comes through life. This is a day to ask for wisdom from the women around you, where their words may bring illumination and empowerment.
Lady Xoc pierces her tongue and receives wisdom for her people from her ancestor emerging from the mouth of the vision serpent. From
Kan is one of the more powerful nawales and it represents just that – power. It is connected to serpents, and serpent symbolism is very strong in Maya mythology. In the past, lightning was referred to as sky serpents, and what is seen in the outer world is reflected by the inner world. The power of Kan comes from something which is referred to as itz or coyopa, the lightning in the blood. This is the power which may also be known as Ki, Chi, Prana, kundalini or “the force”. It is life force energy. Kundalini is a sanskrit word actually meaning coiled, like a snake. When working with any of these energies, training must be undertaken in order to understand how to use them. In its most positive aspect, the energy of Kan brings great wisdom; in its negative aspect, great destruction. A lack of understanding or control of this power can lead to undesirable consequences. The dark side of Kan can seduce with its power, and a very sexy power it is too, holding its prey in an almost hypnotic grip with its allure. It can become the ultimate ego trap.
However, it is also said that the feathered serpent Q’uq’umatz (also known as Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl) brought wisdom, through the sciences of astronomy and agriculture, to the ancient Maya. Here we see the positive aspect of Kan, where the ability to work with the body lightning brings great wisdom. People born on a Kan day can become some of the greatest healers or psychics, or they can become the darkest sorcerers and manipulators.
The number nine is very special indeed. It is the number of lunations in the human gestation period and in the sacred calendar. The sacred calendar is known as a calendar of life, and it is women that give life. As such the number nine is seen as the number of life and the number of the divine feminine. It gives all that it is attached to a strong feminine presence and is a day on which women may wish to give thanks for their gifts.
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