Today marks the beginning of our rebirth process. Kame has transformed us, with Tijax finally cutting away all that was holding us back. Now, Kawok is here to soothe us and wash away any debris.

We have gone through the inner alchemy and transformation of the Kame trecena and are now emerging as fresh and newborn. The trecena of Kawok acts as a midwife, assisting us in our birth into a new phase of life.
The energy of the nawal Kawok gently guides us through our rebirth process and into the world. This healing feminine energy brings compassion to our experience of rebirth, creating a graceful and beautiful transition.
Both Kawok and the number 1 have strong connections with birth and new life. As a representation of potential, the number 1 may require some assistance in realizing our opportunities. Kawok is there for us, ready to hold our hand and guide us firmly as we take our first steps into our new world. She represents the healing woman and the wisdom of the grandmothers.
Today, we may seek out the women who support us through our process of rebirth or reinvention. The compassion and wisdom shown to us by the women around us help us move forward into new areas. This day marks the very beginning of a new life or a new direction, with all the potential to be whatever we choose it to be.
Today marks the astronomical cross quarter day of Samhain. This point of the year is exactly midway between the Equinox and the Solstice. Samhain was considered the first day of winter in the Celtic calendar. It is seen as the death of the Sun god, the sun descending into the underworld, where it will remain until Imbolc (Feb 3rd 2025).
Many people celebrate Samhain on 31st October. However, it is important to remember that Gregorian calendar dates did not exist for the ancients. To me, it is far more important to connect to solar and celestial events rather than a certain day of a Catholic calendar.
It is well known that the Maya were expert astronomers. Much of their timekeeping was based on archaeoastronomical alignments. It would be unsurprising to find this day marked by their structures too. In Guatemala this day corresponds with the acronychal rising of the Pleiades, this important star cluster rising on the eastern horizon at sunset. It is possible that this event was taken as an important indicator of the beginning of the dry season by ancient Maya astronomers.
Regardless of the hemisphere and whether it is seen as the beginning of winter or the beginning of summer, there is a particular alignment which is happening, which is said to be an opening of portals to the otherworld. Perhaps rather than just seeing it as where the sun shines on the Earth, we could think of it as how the sun interacts with our magnetosphere. This in turn could be the reason as to why the veil is seen as being so thin at this time.
Today we see Samhain in combination with the day 1 Kawok. It could be seen as both a day for remembrance of our ancestors and to celebrate our descendants.
The Nawal Kawok

While most healing roles do not seem to be gender specific, one is. Both women and men may be healers, prayer makers, herbalists and diviners, only women will become midwives. Kawok is the energy of the midwife. It helps to clear the obstructions from the birth process, in some ways it actually represents the birth process. Kawok brings the new into the world. In the Mayan cross, Kawok, the birth process finishes the sequence which starts with Aq’ab’al (conception) and moves through B’atz (gestation.) In the sequence of the calendar, Kawok precedes Ajpu. Ajpu represents the resurrection of the maize lord, also the creation of the world. Kawok creates the conditions for that to happen, the rain which brings forth the sprouting of the maize.
In its storm aspect, Kawok can be destructive, although it is a destruction which allows a new creation to happen. Kawok energy can give rise to some tempestuous situations, it can be a day which can give people a rough ride, although this may be for the eventual good. It is a day to ask for the gentle rain to bless your crops, and for the harsh rain to stop. It is a day which washes away the old and outworn in life, so that the new growth, life and divinity may emerge.
The Number One
The number 1 is representative of the seed, of unity. It represents birth and beginnings. It is a low and odd number, which usually represents something challenging. However, the seed can grow into a mighty tree, it is full of potential. It needs the correct nutrients and conditions to germinate and develop its potential. We also may need encouragement to develop our ideas.