Tag Archives: Morning Star

New Calendar Page – March 2025

This quick link takes you to the March 2025 calendar page. As usual, you can see the days of the Chol Q’ij plotted onto the Gregorian month and the many major astronomical events of March 2025! Click here to navigate to the page.

March 2025

13 Iq’ / 2025 Calendar

My 2025 calendar is now available. The calendar shows the days of the Chol Q’ij, formatted onto the Gregorian calendar. Currently, it is available electronically as a PDF in both English and Spanish. Printed versions, in English, are available locally in Guatemala in San Marcos at Lava Love Cacao and Palo Santo. They are also now available in the USA through Soul Lift Cacao. See this link ‎for details on how to get your pdf.

Google Calendar Plugin

For the more technically minded I have also created a plugin for Google Calendar. This enables you to track the days of the sacred calendar on your smartphone. In this way, you can ensure that your activities are aligned to the most conducive energies! I have also added a description to every day, just click on the day name. It is available for purchase here.


If you would like to know what your nawal brings to your lifepath, please follow this link to get a reading with me https://thefourpillars.net/maya-lifepath-reading/

Calendar Workshop

If you would like to dive deeper into the sacred calendar, I will be running a workshop via Zoom from 12 pm to 4 pm (Guatemala time, UTC -6) from 17th – 21st March 2025. There are currently spaces available. For more information, please go to https://thefourpillars.net/?page_id=1120. 

The Inferior Conjunction of Venus – 12 Ajpu (31st October 2018)

Since the day 9 Tz’i (23rd February 2018) Venus has appeared in the west, in the evening sky. From August onward it became a little lower each night until it became lost in the glare of the sunset. Today, according to the Dresden Codex, is the first day of the inferior conjunction of Venus. Venus is passing between the Earth and the Sun, and as such is not visible in our night sky.

Venus as the evening star can be seen to represent the obsidian mirror, the dark mirror within us showing us the parts of our ego we would rather hide from the world. There has been a particularly strong cycle this time around, one which takes place every 8 years. The dark mirror has been intensified by the power of the year lord, which reached its peak intensity around mid-summer, the light of the sun illuminating not only the things we wish to hide from the world, but possibly the things we wish to hide from ourselves. It has the power to illuminate the half truths that we occasionally tell ourselves, stripping away the false support which comes from them and in turn replacing them with truth. It is on this truth that we can then build when Venus returns as the morning star, and we can move into a time of advancement and enlightenment.

In this cycle within the codex, the first day of the inferior conjunction happens on 12 Ajpu. This can be seen as the day on which we use our life experience to make a judgement between what is divine and what is not.

The inferior conjunction of Venus has coincided with some societal upheavals including the downfall of leaders occurring during or soon after. According to Bruce Scofield in his book How to Practice Mayan Astrology:

“Newsworthy events occurring at, or just after, the inferior conjunction are often characterized by impulsive human errors the lead to a levelling or crash of some sort.”



The Return of Venus as Morning Star – 8 K’at

The cycle of Venus was of great importance to the ancient Maya, and often used to time ritual activities including warfare and sacrifices. Venus was generally seen to have an unsettling influence, particularly during the time of the heliacal rising of Venus.

Today we enter that period of potential turbulence, the first rising of Venus as the Morning Star. This is said to be the time when the influence of Venus “spears” certain victims. These victims are often leaders, and here, in combination with the nawal K’at, we might think of the influence of Venus leading to the capture of rogue leaders. Venus shines its bright light on the dark places, illuminating the things which have been hidden. It is possible that mistakes which were made during the inferior conjunction are highlighted now, especially if attempts have been made to cover them up. We may also expect a political downfall as a result of an earlier entrapment, something which may be symbolised by the influence of the energy of the nawal K’at.

This turmoil is affecting all of us on the planet, not just the leaders. Who ever holds “high position” would do well to avoid rushing into impassioned decisions  or judgement during the first few days of the Morning Star.

The complete table within the Dresden codex covers 13 cycles of 5 synodic periods of Venus, a total of 37960 days or 104 years less 26 days. This means that the last time Venus reappeared as the Morning Star was 29th April 1913. In the classic system of year bearers, 1913 was also the year 5 Iq’, so we should expect a degree of resonance between that time and our time. According to Wikipedia:

April 29, 1913 (Tuesday) Germany’s Foreign Minister, Gottlieb von Jagow, said in a speech at the Reichstag that German would respect the guarantees of Belgium’s neutrality, followed by Minister of War Josias von Heeringen, who pledged that “Germany will not lose sight of the fact that the neutrality of Belgium is guaranteed by international treaty.”
Germany would invade Belgium fifteen months later on its entry into World War I on August 2, 1914.

August 2nd 1914 was 460 days after the first heliacal rise of Venus on the day 8 K’at. This was approximately in the middle of the Evening Star phase of Venus, on the day 13 K’at, and equates to the day 7th July 2018. It would seem that this is an important time to keep our wits about us with regards to the words of people in power, and where those words may lead.

Lord of the Heliacal Rise with his spear ready to strike down his victims, from the Dresden Codex