Tag Archives: Karma

4 Toj (7th April 2021)

4 TojThe nawal Toj brings with it the appropriate time to make a payment, but today this is very much something which should apply to the physical reality. It is a day to pay off your physical debts and allow others to pay theirs.

Our debts weigh heavily on our energy, whether they are big karmic debts or that £10 you forgot to give back to someone. It doesn’t matter if it is only a tiny debt, in fact those you forget are the ones which mount up. They connect both the debtor and the lender, nibbling away at their energy and causing both an imbalance and and unnecessary attachment. The theme of this trecena of Kame is spiritual transformation, and this is difficult to undergo when such physical attachments are present.

Big debts can be very detrimental to the health, but may also be difficult to clear. Small ones might be more manageable. Sometimes just an acknowledgement towards the person you owe may go a long way to creating harmony, just by showing you haven’t forgotten. Likewise, it is important to remind others of their debt towards you, even if you feel awkward doing this. The energy goes both ways and it is better to clear it. Of course it doesn’t have to be about money, it may be that you owe the most precious of commodities, time.

Today is a day to repay favours, if nothing is asked for then why not just do something nice for someone who has helped you out in the past. If you haven’t got anyone to repay, then this would be an excellent day for a random act of kindness towards a complete stranger.

Toj helps to bring health and well being when payments are made, and so making physical payments today can help to heal divides within your community and bring transformation.

To donate to ODIM and help the people of San Pablo and San Juan la Laguna, please follow this link https://tinyurl.com/yb4l3rux

To help the people of San Marcos la Laguna, please follow this link https://tinyurl.com/yd8ax34q

The nawal Toj represents offerings and payment. It is part of the name Tojil, a Mayan god who gave fire to the people, although this was not a free gift. Tojil asked in return for sacrifice to be made. This is a day of payment and sacrifice, a day to resolve debts, both in the physical and spiritual realms. Toj is the nawal of the sacred fire, and it is to the fire that we make offerings in order to burn away what would commonly be known as karmic debts. In this way we restore balance, we bring our accounts back to zero.

Toj carries with it a form of divine protection, which is enhanced through selfless acts. These acts might involve a sacrifice of our time or energy in order to strengthen our community. We can choose to act or we can choose to ignore, but be aware – ignoring an opportunity to make a payment on a Toj day might bring a ill fortune, the removal of the protection. Payment should be made with an open heart, thanks might not be quickly forthcoming, and may not come at all. Your sacrifice could be  something as simple as picking up litter in your neighbourhood, it doesn’t have to be something elaborate.

The number 4 is very important within Mayan mythology. Four represents the cardinal points, the four colours of maize, the four carriers of the year, the two equinoxes and two solstices, as well as midnight, sunrise, midday and sunset. The number four is representative of the four first men, who raised the sky from the sea to create the world we live on. In Mayan myth it is four pillars that support the sky from the Earth. As you can imagine, four is a number which represents stability, a solar number. Even though it is still low, it is thought of as a good number.

3 Ajmak (13th February 2021)

3 AjmakThe day 3 Ajmak may be a rather frustrating day, and may be one best spent at home, or in seclusion. The forgiving and creative qualities of Ajmak are challenged by its combination with the energy of the number three.

Ajmak days are not always easy to negotiate. They are the days when we learn our limitations, although they are also days which have the potential to restore our faith in humanity. They are days on which we may experience the best, and worst qualities of human nature. They remind us of what it is to be human, both through the ways of compassionate forgiveness, and through actions which give rise to the need to forgive. These are how we learn, but we do not need to keep running the same program once we have learned what we need to. For example, an action gives rise to a reaction. That reaction may be desirable or undesirable. We may wish to repeat the desirable one and not repeat the undesirable one, however, holding on to guilt about the action which gave the undesirable reaction rarely serves any purpose. In the Maya cross of Ajmak, the future sign is K’at, the net. Thus, the future of Ajmak can be abundance, one aspect of K’at, or it can lead to ensnarement. This ensnarement may be a result of guilt, the inability to move on from an action which produced undesirable consequences.

Of course, this is highly simplified, but we often do choose to hold onto our guilt for longer than we need to. It becomes a burden, stifling our creativity and preventing us from achieving our full potential. It can be something which stops us from living the lives we are able to live, filling us with regret.

Looking for forgiveness outside is likely to be an unrewarding task today. This is a day to look inside yourself, where forgiveness begins within your own heart. What you create internally, you project out to the world, and today you have the potential to truly bring the sweetness into your home, particularly through acts of self forgiveness.

I am sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you

When the creators fashioned the four first men, the Bacab’ob, they created them as equals. These four first humans had superhuman abilities, including the ability to see through space and time. As equals were not desired, the gods smoked the mirror of perception, giving us our human set of senses. When we lost the ability to see through time, we lost the ability to see the true consequences of our actions and thus we needed to start asking for forgiveness. Sometimes even well meaning actions can cause problems at a later date. Ajmak represents this ability to forgive others, the ability to forgive ourselves and the ability to accept forgiveness.

Ajmak is a sensual energy, which creates some of the reasons for its needing to be forgiven. It is kind and very lovable, but irresponsible. It can be a very talented energy, with great ideas. However it can also be very easily distracted, especially by anything that makes it feel nice. This often leads Ajmak to failing to fulfil its true potential, although due to its lovable nature it is easy to forgive. One of the lessons with regards to the Ajmak energy is learning to forgive oneself.

M42, The Orion Nebula. By Mark Elmy

There are various myths about the creation which link with the number 3. One is that at the time of creation, three stone jumped out of the fireplace and formed the new world. These three stones are called the hearthstones, and are still seen in many Maya homes today, on the fire supporting the tortilla griddle. From an astronomical point of view, the stones are the stars Alnitak, Saiph and Rigel in the constellation we call Orion, and the Smoky Fireplace is the Great Orion Nebula (M42)

A (slightly crude) montage showing a proposed correlation between the constellation of Orion and the triadic structure of Maya pyramids. This one is "El Tigre" at the El Mirador site. Photo and montage by Mark Elmy
A (slightly crude) montage showing a proposed correlation between the constellation of Orion and the triadic structure of Maya pyramids. This one is “El Tigre” at the El Mirador site. Photo and montage by Mark Elmy

The number 3 is still in the low end of the range of numbers. It does not have much energy yet, and it is also an odd number. It can represent the home, relating to the three hearthstones laid by the creators, and this is probably a good focus for a 3 day. However, it is possibly the most troublesome of the numbers to deal with, it lacks stability and represents challenges and obstructions. The number three brings up internal/external dilemma. The lack of stability in the physical, external world that it brings suggests that the more appropriate action is to look to the internal world, both of the home and of yourself.

The number 3 is still in the low end of the range of numbers. It does not have much energy yet, and it is also an odd number. It is possibly the most troublesome of the numbers to deal with, it lacks stability. It can represent the home, relating to the three hearthstones laid by the creators, and this is probably a good focus for a 3 day.

4 Toj (21st July 2020)

4 TojThe nawal Toj brings with it the appropriate time to make a payment, but today this is very much something which should apply to the physical reality. It is a day to pay off your physical debts and allow others to pay theirs.

Our debts weigh heavily on our energy, whether they are big karmic debts or that £10 you forgot to give back to someone. It doesn’t matter if it is only a tiny debt, in fact those you forget are the ones which mount up. They connect both the debtor and the lender, nibbling away at their energy and causing both an imbalance and and unnecessary attachment. The theme of this trecena of Kame is spiritual transformation, and this is difficult to undergo when such physical attachments are present.

Big debts can be very detrimental to the health, but may also be difficult to clear. Small ones might be more manageable. Sometimes just an acknowledgement towards the person you owe may go a long way to creating harmony, just by showing you haven’t forgotten. Likewise, it is important to remind others of their debt towards you, even if you feel awkward doing this. The energy goes both ways and it is better to clear it. Of course it doesn’t have to be about money, it may be that you owe the most precious of commodities, time.

Today is a day to repay favours, if nothing is asked for then why not just do something nice for someone who has helped you out in the past. If you haven’t got anyone to repay, then this would be an excellent day for a random act of kindness towards a complete stranger.

Toj helps to bring health and well being when payments are made, and so making physical payments today can help to heal divides within your community and bring transformation.

The nawal Toj represents offerings and payment. It is part of the name Tojil, a Mayan god who gave fire to the people, although this was not a free gift. Tojil asked in return for sacrifice to be made. This is a day of payment and sacrifice, a day to resolve debts, both in the physical and spiritual realms. Toj is the nawal of the sacred fire, and it is to the fire that we make offerings in order to burn away what would commonly be known as karmic debts. In this way we restore balance, we bring our accounts back to zero.

Toj carries with it a form of divine protection, which is enhanced through selfless acts. These acts might involve a sacrifice of our time or energy in order to strengthen our community. We can choose to act or we can choose to ignore, but be aware – ignoring an opportunity to make a payment on a Toj day might bring a ill fortune, the removal of the protection. Payment should be made with an open heart, thanks might not be quickly forthcoming, and may not come at all. Your sacrifice could be  something as simple as picking up litter in your neighbourhood, it doesn’t have to be something elaborate.

The number 4 is very important within Mayan mythology. Four represents the cardinal points, the four colours of maize, the four carriers of the year, the two equinoxes and two solstices, as well as midnight, sunrise, midday and sunset. The number four is representative of the four first men, who raised the sky from the sea to create the world we live on. In Mayan myth it is four pillars that support the sky from the Earth. As you can imagine, four is a number which represents stability, a solar number. Even though it is still low, it is thought of as a good number.