Today is a powerful day to stabilise the reality you choose for yourself. The B’atz energy is conducive to weaving your ideas into existence, and today especially bringing them into the physical.
The energy of the combination of the nawal B’atz with the number 6 could give rise to a very auspicious day. It is a day to bring your creation together in the physical, while drawing on the forces of Earth and Sky.
B’atz days are often considered to be fortunate. It is one of the most revered days within the sacred calendar. Therefore, it should be no surprise that when this is combined with the stable number 6, a great opportunity arises. The four directions, Hearts of the Earth and the Sky join forces to empower the creativity of B’atz today. This could be seen as the day on which masterpieces are created, with some divine assistance.
What kind of masterpiece you create will be up to you. B’atz gives the ability to turn your hand to anything from weaving or writing to singing and dancing. B’atz loves to entertain. It also loves to joke around and play the fool. This includes the role of the fool that could tell the truth to the king. Thus, it is important not to confuse the fun loving nature of B’atz with a lack of intelligence. B’atz is extremely clever in its ways.
It is not just the arts that B’atz assists with, it is the creation of reality itself. So, go out and engage with your creative potential, play and have fun making your masterpiece.
The Nawal B’atz

There are two nawales which bestow genius talents, one of which is B’atz, the other being No’j. B’atz is the nawal of artisans and of weavers. This is not just creation and weaving on the Earthly level. It weaves the threads of time together to create reality. B’atz is the nawal of the sacred calendar. The calendar could be considered to be the fabric created from these individual threads of time.
If B’atz is clever enough to weave time into order, it is clever enough to create more down to Earth trinkets. B’atz is the master artisan, creating whatever it chooses, at will. It is just as comfortable painting, as it is playing music or writing. The arts come naturally to this nawal. However, this can lead to issues when B’atz has to deal with those less talented than itself. This can lead to a certain arrogance around those who fail to achieve their standard of excellence.
Their talent draws attention, which is something B’atz craves. It is the nawal of the born entertainer, who can sing, dance and play all at once. This nawal is the life and soul of the party, it also makes excellent teachers, who hold the attention of students through entertaining them. It is a particularly fun loving nawal that feeds on the adoration of the crowd that it pleases.
B’atz is a day to create, especially within the fields of the arts. It is also a day to weave your reality the way you see fit. Where Aq’ab’al was the conception, B’atz is the gestation.
The Number Six
The number six is said to be the number of ultimate stability. It is the first of the three middle numbers of the cycle, the balance point. Thus, ceremonies are often made on six days thanks to their conducive energy.
The number 6 carries the qualities of the number 4, but has an extra axis. If we think of the number four representing the cardinal points, the number six adds a vertical axis to these. It brings in the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth. The number six has the stability of the number four embellished by the masculine and feminine principals. If the number four represents the physical world and the number 6 represents the physical world animated by the life force energy.
Thus, it also represents family, relating to the six qualities which hold families together – health, understanding, property, employment, friendship and actions.