This should be a good day to put your energy into your life path. It could be particularly good if a journey is aligned with your work.
I tend to think of E’ days as rather beneficial days. They can represent exploration in its many guises; physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Sometimes they may also represent a combination of a physical journey that may bring knowledge or a spiritual experience. However, every journey requires an input of energy and today this is highlighted. How much do you want to go on that journey? How much energy are you prepared to invest? These questions may come up today.
As the number 5 can also represent rushing into things, there may be an element of frustration with the journey taking longer than expected. This day we might feel that we wish we could just teleport to the destination! It may also come up against some unforeseen obstacles. To overcome these obstacles will once again require our energetic input. The reward will be a great advancement on your path.
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Solar Zenith
Here in Guatemala, at 15 degrees north of the equator, we experience this phenomenon two time per year. The Solar Zenith is when the Sun crosses the hypothetical North – South line (the Meridian) at 90 degrees. If you live outside of the tropics, you will be accustomed to the Sun being at its greatest height in the sky on the solstice (whether that’s in June in the Northern hemisphere or December in the Southern Hemisphere.)
Here at 15 degrees North, we can add the Zenith into the mix. Between August 11th – 13th and April 29th – May 1st, the Sun will be directly overhead at solar noon, and we will experience what seems to be no shadow! Why is this so interesting? Well, between 13th August and 30th April is 260 days, and between 30th April and 13th August is 105 days. Some people have theorised the the sacred calendar may have been developed at this latitude due to this phenomenon. Interestingly August 12/13 is also often the peak night of the Perseid meteor shower.
Many Maya sites have structures that mark the zenith transit, often zenith tubes. One possible reason that the zenith transit was so important was because of the planting of maize. Here in Guatemala, the rain becomes sporadic by the beginning of November and by mid November, we are often fully into dry season. The corn takes 105 days to grow, mature and harvest, and 105 days from 13th August would be around the 26th November. Therefore, it would make a lot of sense to plant the last crop of corn before the second solar zenith transit. Maybe this is why it was deemed so important.
This year, the date of the solar zenith falls on 12th August, partly because of the leap day in February. This means that the first zenith transit of 2025 will actually fall on April 29th, once again on the day 5 E’.
The Nawal E’

Nawal E’ represents the journey of discovery, the life path in both its physical and spiritual aspects. E’ is the explorer, it craves novelty. It inspires travel to understand different cultures and ways of life, it is a seeker of experience. It can be a thrill seeker, and sometimes will take risks to understand what it is examining. Whilst it gains experience and understanding through physical travel, E’ also drives us to explore our inner world, helping us to understand our own minds and hearts, and those of others. E’ sometimes creates a restlessness. A desire to find new things within the world means that E’ finds it difficult to sit still.
E’ can sometimes cause us to explore simply for the sake of exploration. We seek the new experience because it is there. This can give rise to a lack of direction, aimless wandering. However, even in its wanderings E’ is discovering. It may not know exactly where it is going, but it will when it gets there. In it’s best aspect, E’ seeks out knowledge and experience in order to form an understanding which brings wisdom. E’ enjoys sharing the wisdom gained with its peers, for the enrichment of the community.
The Number Five
The Sacred Mayan calendar is said to be a calendar of human life and can be seen as a microcosm of the human body. The number five is one of these parts. It is representative of the hand with its five digits. It is with our hands that we work, and with what we earn we pay our debts. Five is also a number that relates to the sacred fire where we pay our debts with offerings and prayers. Five might be so busy working that it fails to remember what it is working for. It can also signify that what it is attached to becomes work, or is “hard work”.