The seating of the new Mam 13 Iq’ is a significant moment in the highland Maya solar calendar. It marks the end of the Tz’apin Q’ij, or closing days, and the end of the period of retreat. It signals a time to leave our “caves” and re-enter the real world. In some communities, this occasion is celebrated with feasting and drinking. The new Mam, who will guide us through the next revolution of the sun, is welcomed into the world.
This year is governed by the Mam 13 Iq’, which carries the energy of the day as well as the energy of the new year. The properties and benefits brought by the Nawal 13 Iq’ are discussed in my post for the day of 13 Iq’, here. The energy of this day represents the energy that we will experience throughout the year. It is a year that is likely to be focused on communication and navigating sudden and unforeseen changes. While this year could bring the chaos of the hurricane, it is also a chance for inspiration from the voices of our ancestors.
The new Mam may take some time to settle in, usually over the first 20 days. Even though the “administration” has changed, it takes time for all the promises made during the campaign to be fulfilled. Nothing in nature moves in a square wave; it’s always a gentle transition, more like a sine wave. This is the first light of dawn, and we are still experiencing a little of the cold of the night. It will not be until midday, the height of the cycle. We will then experience the fullest expression of the energy of this year lord. We can expect this to occur in around 140 days, on 3 Iq’ (June 18, 2025).
Iq’ Years
The last time we experienced a Iq’ year was 2021, which was the year 9 Iq’. That year could have been seen as drawing our breath of life. After a year which was summed up by the phrase “I can’t breath” both through respiratory illness and social issues, the breath of life returned. It lasted from 19th February 2021 through to 18th February 2022. While the changes it brought were a welcome relief from the previous year, we were still learning to adapt.
Today we welcome Mam Iq’ again and we understand we will need to communicate. This year is known to be strong, and while Iq’ represents the breath of life, it can also represent the hurricane. Iq’ is here to clean, yet the way that it moves may be too strong for many. When combined with the number 13, we might not see the changes coming until they are upon us. It is a year to learn to adapt, and the words which guide us may come from spirit. It could be a very strong year for communication, but with Iq’ years as well as Iq’ days, breath before you react.
The cycle of the year bearers repeats every 52 years. Although we don’t relive the same experiences, we may notice similarities with the last time this Mam was in office. Mam 13 Iq’ took office on March 3, 1973. This gives us a chance to learn from the past and avoid repeating past mistakes. If you are interested in major events that occurred in 1973, please click here.