Listen to your inner voice

3 Iq’ (1st October 2024)

3 Iq'Listen to your inner voice for inspiring words today as you may find that they do not come from the outer world. The strong and unpredictable nature of the day could cause some challenges regarding communication and changes.

There are two ways of writing numbers in Maya glyphs. One is the dot and bar notation that you see alongside the glyph for the nawal above. The other is where the numbers are denoted by the heads of various deities. Within this notation, the number 3 is denoted by the head of the wind god. Thus, the day 3 Iq’ may be seen as having double the potential of another Iq’ day.

This extra power could again go either way, but whatever way it goes it is likely to be powerful. The obstructions associated with the number 3 make give this day the potential for mixed messages to say the least. If you have anything important to communicate it may probably be best to wait, as today your words may become jumbled. Whilst you might get your message across, the energy of today might even lead to your words being misinterpreted.

Today you may be inspired to make changes, with the power of the wind god behind you. However, as the external expression can be challenged, you may find your desired changes rather difficult to achieve today. Once again, the inner world is the place to make the changes. It is a day to make the changes within in order to affect external change. As the number 3 can represent the home, this would be a perfect day to make these changes within your home. Thus, If there was ever a day for a “Spring clean”, this is it. Allow the breath of fresh air to cleanse your home.

The Nawal Iq’

Wind God 1

Nawal Iq’ is another strong nawal. It represents communication and particularly divine inspiration. It is the wind, the breath of life, that which brings the change in seasons.

The communication brought by Iq’ can be enlightening and inspiring. It is the breath of the divine which flows through us all, in fact the word for soul is Saq Iq’ – white breath. When our breath stops, our divine essence leaves our physical body. When we engage ourselves with the divine breath we are able to create, to manifest with our words, to inspire those around us. However, Iq’ also has a destructive side. It has the ability to blow like a hurricane and may level everything before it. It is the angry words which cut down everything in their path.

Hurricane is one of the few English words which is actually derived from a Mayan word- Junrakan, meaning “one footed”. Junrakan is another name for the Heart of the Sky, one of the creator deities. Once again it seems that certain patterns follow through the sequence of the nawales which are interrelated. Imox, the female creative principle, or egg, is fertilised be Iq’, the male principle. Their combination results in Aq’ab’al, the conception and a change in the state, bringing the dream into reality.

Iq’ is a day of communication, a day of inspiration. It can be a great day to express yourself through written or particularly verbal means. It is also a day on which changes happen. You can either embrace those changes or resist them. However, be aware that the wind blows forcefully and resistance of change requires a great deal of energy. Embracing change helps you to learn to dance like a leaf in the wind.

The Number Three

There are various myths about the creation which link with the number 3. One is that at the time of creation, three stones jumped out of the fireplace and formed the new world. These three stones are called the hearthstones and are still seen in many Maya homes today, on the fire supporting the tortilla griddle. From an astronomical point of view, the stones are the stars Alnitak, Saiph and Rigel in the constellation we call Orion, and the Smoky Fireplace is the Great Orion Nebula (M42)

The Orion Nebula
The Orion Nebula by Mark Elmy

The number 3 is still in the low end of the range of numbers. It does not have much energy yet, and it is also an odd number. It can represent the home, relating to the three hearthstones laid by the creators, and this is probably a good focus for a 3 day. However, it is possibly the most troublesome of the numbers to deal with, it lacks stability and represents challenges and obstructions. The number three brings up internal/external dilemmas. The lack of stability in the physical, external world that it brings suggests that the more appropriate action is to look to the internal world, both of the home and yourself.

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