highly polarised

2 Aq’ab’al (14th July 2024)

2 Aq'ab'alThis could be a highly polarised day, a day of extremes. It may show us the lightest light and the darkest dark. Sometimes we must reach these places to find new concepts.

The day 2 Aq’ab’al can show you the positive and negative aspects of a potential new endeavour, its strengths and weaknesses. It is a day to bring your dreams closer to reality, particularly if they relate to a relationship. 

Aq’ab’al days are said to be representative of relationships and marriage. Perhaps this is because they are the bridge between the polarities, the night and the day. They are the conception days, days of new life when new ideas are conceived. These ideas, like children from our marriages, become our legacy, our immortality. Aq’ab’al acts as a bridge between polarities, including the logical and artistic, which can give rise to great creativity. As we see in the Maya cross, Aq’ab’al evolves into B’atz, the creative genius.

Today this natural tendency is amplified by the energy of the number 2, which also relates to polarities. This could give rise to a day when polarities are emphasised. Differences are particularly highlighted and become as clear as night or day. This may lead to some rather stark truths becoming very obvious. Yet possibly the Aq’ab’al energy is the one which helps us to understand how to join two polarities. Thus, we can marry them together to create a bright future. Another quality of the number 2 is that of self sacrifice, which suggests that in order to create this union, a little sacrifice may be required on each side.

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