November 2024

November 2024

Here are the days of the Chol Q’ij mapped onto the Gregorian month of November 2024.


The day of 5th November 2024 will be 12 No’j. It will be the second appearance of the Mam, 12 No’j, who took on the burden of time on 19th February 2024. One way this could be seen is that the first 260 days are the days when the corn is grown under the full light and power of the Mam. Now as the dry season approaches, his power wanes. This 105-day period will end when the new Mam, 13 Iq’, takes his seat on 18th February 2025. This is known as the Solar new year.

One of the important cross-quarter days within archeoastronomy is Samhain. This does not fall on 31st October as some might believe, but on 7th November (22:12 UTC). To me, it is far more important to tie such an event to solar and celestial events rather than the Gregorian calendar. It is seen within the Celtic calendar as the first day of winter. In Guatemala this day corresponds with the acronycal rising of the Pleiades, this important star cluster rising on the eastern horizon at sunset. It is possible that this event was taken as an important indicator of the beginning of the dry season by ancient Maya astronomers.

This month also brings us two meteor showers, the Taurid meteor shower on the 4th/5th and the Leonids on the 17th/18th.

13 Iq’ / 2025 Calendar

My 13 Iq’ (2025) calendar is now available. The calendar shows the days of the Chol Q’ij, formatted onto the Gregorian calendar. At this moment it is only available in electronic (pdf) format in both English and Spanish. Later in November, it will be available physically, locally to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala and through Soul Lift Cacao in the USA. See this link for details on how to get your pdf.

Google Calendar Plugin

For the more technically minded I have also created a plugin for Google Calendar. This enables you to track the days of the sacred calendar on your smartphone. In this way, you can ensure that your activities are aligned to the most conducive energies! I have also added a description to every day, just click on the day name. It is available for purchase here.

Calendar Workshop

If you would like to dive deeper into the sacred calendar, I will be running a workshop via Zoom from 10 am – 2 pm (Guatemala time, UTC -6) from 2nd – 6th December 2024. There are currently spaces available. For more information, please go to 

Please click the calendar for a larger version to print out if you would like to. Below the calendar are clickable links to my interpretation of the energy of each of the days.

November 2024

Gregorian dateDay Name (Clickable)Keywords, ideas, concepts
18 AjCeremony for harmony in the home and civic leadership
29 IxThe day of Mother Earth, women's magic, magical side of life
310 Tz'ikinVision for prosperity of the community
411 AjmakMany ways of forgiving
512 No'jIdeas forged from the experience of life
613 TijaxDivination for healing, spirit empowers discernment
71 KawokClearing the way for new life to enter, re-birthing
82 AjpuDivinity through self sacrifice, seeing the holy in partnership
93 ImoxInner creativity, obstructed connection to the collective
104 Iq'Stabilising change in the physical through solid words
115 Aq'ab'alWork to bring the dream into being, the new concept
126 K'atStabilising the abundance, gathering divine inspiration
137 KanFinalising the wisdom, choosing how to employ power
148 KameMarriage day, Ceremony for the ancestors
159 KejEmpowerment of female spiritual leaders, the high priestess
1610 Q'anilGarden day, co-operation brings abundance
1711 TojSettling many debts
1812 Tz'iFaith in life comes through experience, as does justice
1913 B'atzSpirit empowers creativity, Weaving ancestral patterns
201 E'The new path begins
212 AjHarmony in the home and relationship
223 IxChallenges to external magic, look inside yourself to find it
234 Tz'ikinStabilises the vision into the physical, brings physical prosperity
245 AjmakWorking towards forgiveness brings sweetness
256 No'jPhysical plans, divinely inspired
267 TijaxThe final cut, completion of the healing
278 KawokCeremony for the newborn and their mothers, rain ceremony
289 AjpuThe divine feminine, seeing the divinity in life
2910 ImoxThe collective dream, community consciousness
3011 Iq'Communication from many directions, unpredictable changes