The Third Closing Day

5 Tijax 1 Wayeb – The Second Day of Wayeb

The second day of the Wayeb is said to represent recognition of yourself, during your introspective period. This is combined with the day representing discernment, purification and healing work. This is a day to identify the things within you that can be cut away in the year 8 No’j as we move into the year 9 Iq’.

5 Tijax presents us with the opportunity to put our energy into our healing. As we move out of what has been a very challenging year for many, if not all, we are certainly in a healing phase. We may wish to go out and heal the division we may be observing in our world, but it is important that we first heal ourselves. This day of introspection gives us the opportunity to do just that. The number 5 implies that we have to put our own energy into it – no one else can do it for us – so this is an excellent day to retreat and do just that. It is through that kind of work that we can also recognise our true potential. Tijax gives us the eye of discernment, the ability to cut through and cut away the mundane which prevents us from seeing the divine. As you work on your inner healing, you may well recognise that perfection within you.

Pawahtuun, also known as Mam and god N. Known as the god of the Wayeb and the number five. An old man that carries a conch shell, who was both a beloved creator and a trickster. From the Dresden Codex

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