12 K’at (23rd October 2024)

12 K'at

Gathering your life experience into one bundle may be uesful today. This can guide others to find direction in life, to help all to multiply. It is also a good day to release life’s burdens.

This could be an excellent day to gather together with people from all parts of your life, a day of reunions. You may have to be aware of how many commitments you make. The energy of nawal K’at may bind you into overburdening yourself.

Some nawales are associated with particular numbers, the number representing a similar energy to the nawal. 12 K’at is one of these with both K’at and 12 representing bundling or gathering together.

With 12 representing the gathering together of all of life’s experiences and K’at representing the gathering of abundance, we can see some very positive meanings to today’s nawal. It suggests that you may be able to finally bring together everything that you have learned into one place and that this will lead to abundance.

However, there is a caution to this. Sometimes we need to be selective over which experiences we choose to include or exclude from our bundle. There are some life experiences which have served their purpose and have now become a burden. Today ask nawal K’at to help us free ourselves of the baggage we have collected in life. Recognise what helps us grow and what holds us back, to release the outmoded or irrelevant attachments to our past. We can then draw together our true wisdom to create a new seed to plant and take us forward.