1 Tz’i (22nd May 2024)

1 Tz'iAs we move into this new world, we sometimes need new guidance, and today the nawal Tz’i brings exactly this. A fresh guide arrives to possibly take us in a new direction.

Today begins a period which initiates an amplified state of love and trust. This new trecena (13-day period) may bring themes of faith, loyalty and justice.

Tz’i has our best interests at heart. It is a good idea to trust this new guide and to have faith in where we are being taken. This may involve some unconditional trust as much as unconditional love.

The other side of Tz’i could represent the beginning of a time when loyalty may be tested. Our faith in the world may have been shaken, but today we start to rebuild that faith as Tz’i encourages us to love each other unconditionally. This is likely to come about at the instigation of others, the combination with the number 1 suggesting that it needs a little encouragement to truly flourish.

This is a day to remember to show trust in others and encourage that faith to come out in them. With the help of the energy of the nawal Tz’i, we can guide each other.

The Nawal Tz’i

The dog sits by the cauldron, from the Madrid Codex

Tz’i is possibly the nawal with the most colourful reputation. Some describe it as the nawal of “sex, drugs and rock and roll” and it has the possibility to live up to that label. One of the functions an Aj Q’ij (Mayan spiritual guide) performs is divination, usually using red seeds called Tz’ite. If a question is asked about a relationship and Tz’i comes up in the reading, it is seen as a sign of  infidelity. Tz’i acts on instinct, disregarding reason when hormonally driven. This aspect of Tz’i is particularly bad, and when it fails, it does so dramatically, which is why it tends to be remembered for those events.

However, what is sometimes forgotten is the other side of Tz’i, which is the side more frequently displayed. Just as Tz’i can represent infidelity, it also represents faith and loyalty. Just as it can be the trouble maker, it also represents law. It is the nawal of police, lawyers and judges. Tz’i is unwavering faith, unconditional loyalty. The totem animal of Tz’i is the dog, and we can understand both loyalty and instinct through their actions. Tz’i is also the guide and protector on life’s path, ensuring that it’s charge travels safely. It is a day when your faith or loyalty may be tested,  where your instincts are stimulated. The positive traits of this day give rise to to some of the greatest displays of friendship. However, be aware that your loyalty may be tested by temptation.

The Number One

The number 1 is representative of the seed, of unity. It represents birth and beginnings. It is a low and odd number, which usually represents something challenging. However, the seed can grow into a mighty tree, it is full of potential. It needs the correct nutrients and conditions to germinate and develop its potential. We also may need encouragement to develop our ideas.

New Video – The Trecena of Tz’i (22nd May – 3rd June 2024)

The Trecena of Tz’i is a time of renewal of faith, a time to bring new justice to our world, a time to trust our guidance and more than anything, a time to embrace the unconditional love within each one of us.

12 No’j / 2024 Calendar

My whole 2024 / 12 No’j calendar is also available as a pdf. The calendar shows the days of the Chol Q’ij, formatted onto the Gregorian calendar for the entire year through to February 2025. It also includes astronomical events and my brief interpretation of the energy of each day. It is available electronically as a PDF in both English and Spanish. See this link for details on how to get your pdf https://thefourpillars.net/2024-calendar-is-now-available/

If you are in the USA and would like a physical copy of the 2024 /12 No’j Calendar, you can also find them for sale with Soul Lift Cacao. Follow this link https://soulliftcacao.com/products/mayan-calendar-english-2024

Printed versions, in English, have been available in Guatemala but are now running low. However, you may be able to still find a copy in Lava Love Cacao in San Marcos.

Google Calendar Plugin

For the more technically minded I have also created a plugin for Google Calendar. This enables you to track the days of the sacred calendar on your smartphone. In this way you can ensure that your activities are aligned to the most conducive energies! I have also added a description to every day, just click on the day name. It is available for purchase here https://thefourpillars.net/google-calendar-plugin/ 

Worthwhile Recipients of Your Donations

When I mention programs within my videos, it is because I personally know the people involved and can vouch that your donations will actually go towards helping the people for which they are intended.

The Midwife Project

In their words: “Our Mission is to offer safe, dignified and culturally appropriate health care to women in Guatemala by empowering indigenous midwives through education. We focus on revaluing the Mayan ancestral knowledge while integrating modern medical practices. With the creation of Holistic Clinic(s) & Birthing Center(s) as a meeting ground and model project. Our Vision is that every woman  has access to humane, respected and safe birth care. The midwives and women are empowered to lead the creation of a thriving community where those who are most vulnerable have their needs met, and men support the women in creating this healthy and vibrant family and community structure.”

You can check out their site and donate here: https://www.midwifeproject.net/donate 


I mention the Konojel program and their work in San Marcos la Laguna. They have turned from a basic, “let’s make sure bellies are full” program to one of much more social development. You can check out their programs and make a donation here https://konojel.org/donate


Within the village of San Pablo la Laguna, there is an organisation doing great work. They are called ODIM and are specialising in medical and educational services. During the pandemic restrictions, they helped feed many people, but this is in addition to their regular, long term work there. You can find out more about them through this link http://www.odimguatemala.org/donate

Popol Jay

Popol Jay is an ancient name to define the House of the Council of Elders, among the Maya of Guatemala. These were places of wisdom where sacred knowledge about medicine, the calendars, music, spiritual practice and more was kept and passed to future generations. They were all burnt down during the Conquest and subsequent Colonization periods. Today, the Q’eqchi’ Maya Council of Elders Releb’aal Saq’e has joined forces with many supporters to rebuild the Popol Jay of the North, in the lowlands of the Petén region, heart of the Maya culture of the Classic Period. The Elders have worked hard to acquire land and co-design this Center of Knowledge to share ancient wisdom with the World. To donate to the Elders of Peten to fund the Popol Jay, please use this link https://www.popoljay.org.gt/donaciones

Trecena Video

You can see the Tz’i trecena video here: https://youtu.be/hXkkxACy-q0