finalise any debts

11 Toj (29th September 2022)

11 TojBalance always has to be restored in life, and in the past few days the energies have been very giving. Today is the day to redress the balance, to make payment for what you have received.

After the empowerment of 9 Kej and the abundance of 10 Q’anil, the energy of the day 11 Toj gives us the opportunity to pay our way. Whilst we might make beautiful, colourful, lengthy ceremonies here, it doesn’t have to be like that. Just lighting a little candle and saying thank you can be  enough to keep in balance.

It may be that payment goes out in many directions today, in one way or another. There are two ways of approaching it, either you can wait for old debts to find you, or you can take a proactive approach and make an effort to find and resolve them. Today you might find a few more than you bargained for, and some that you had forgotten. Hopefully you received enough abundance on 10 Q’anil to  give some back, if not, the energy of 11 Toj may bring you a reminder.

Featured photo credit: Jay Rasmussen

The nawal Toj represents offerings and payment. It is part of the name Tojil, a Mayan god who gave fire to the people, although this was not a free gift. Tojil asked in return for sacrifice to be made. This is a day of payment and sacrifice, a day to resolve debts, both in the physical and spiritual realms. Toj is the nawal of the sacred fire, and it is to the fire that we make offerings in order to burn away what would commonly be known as karmic debts. In this way we restore balance, we bring our accounts back to zero.

Toj carries with it a form of divine protection, which is enhanced through selfless acts. These acts might involve a sacrifice of our time or energy in order to strengthen our community. We can choose to act or we can choose to ignore, but be aware – ignoring an opportunity to make a payment on a Toj day might bring a ill fortune, the removal of the protection. Payment should be made with an open heart, thanks might not be quickly forthcoming, and may not come at all. Your sacrifice could be  something as simple as picking up litter in your neighbourhood, it doesn’t have to be something elaborate.

The number 11 is a high and odd number. This gives it some rather challenging properties, although it can come good in the end. Imagine you visit Ireland and are transfixed by the green of the hills, then you go to Morocco and are awed by the red of the buildings, then you go to the Caribbean and are moved by the turquoise sea. You return home and paint a beautiful picture using those colours. When you were in Ireland you didn’t know you were going to paint that masterpiece, you may not have even known why you were there.  This is how 11 works. You are sure you need to be doing something, but unsure why. You are collecting experience through many wanderings.

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